I thank xyzcf for prompting me to read ‘Pave the Way’ with a fresh set of eyes and in my present situation (reconnecting, rebuilding) which is vastly different from when I first encountered the article.
Here is my reflection:
I joined HS a year after the BD, I think, and I devoured all the articles, and, repeat.
My mind was still very much muddled, my focus was on MLC and my MLCer, and I wanted a solution to end all the craziness and have my beloved back to loving me. I found the ‘solution’. In ‘Pave the Way’ article...
One sees what one wants to see. In my case, I saw in the article ‘how to get my H back’. Rather than taking in the overall message, which is really about healing and growing, despite MLC and MLCer, I zoomed into certain segments of the article - I highlighted these in bold italic. Yes, I know. I was the best cherry picker in the neighbourhood.
I have re-read the article a couple of times just now and I can see why I focused on certain parts as ‘how to get him back’ as a newbie. (Please note that this is my perception only.)
It starts with the title ‘Paving the Way’. It denoted proactiveness on my part, the LBS - yay, I can do something to bring him back!
The phrase, ‘Paving the Way’, implied to me that there is an outcome or a destination to which the Way is Paved - my MLCer’s eventual return to my loving arms. Yay, again!
Secondly, some words were interpreted by me that there is a cause and effect relationship - you pave, MLCer may very well walk on it toward LBS.
Thirdly, Mirror work, though beneficial for me, is also a means to an end. It’s a ‘Toolbox’. What does one do with a toolbox? Use it to fix something, to make it right, to get things working again. The ‘something’ being outside of myself - an object, a person, a situation.
I am a simple and practical person. I encounter a problem, I want to find a solution. I found it in ‘Paving the Way.’ Sometime during my hard work to pave the way for H and eventual reconciliation, it metamorphosed to paving my own way without any thoughts of H walking on it or not. It became all about me. Not about H, not about our marriage.
I’m merely offering my personal interpretation of ‘Pave the Way’ that I had as a newbie LBS, who was traumatized, bewildered and under life reconstruction.
Paving the Way
Paving the Way is about how you treat others and your Self; it integrates with Mirror-Work which is about you; who you are, how you respond and react and what you can do to change what needs changing, embrace what needs loving and heal without bitterness. Paving the Way for your MLCer to come home is about loving your Self and making your Self a priority. As you change and heal, you become an attractive force for your MLCer. Understanding the theory as I explain it will get you nowhere if you fail to apply it; without actions it’s dead and I can’t do the work for you. Growth is a personal experience.
The Paving the Way Toolbox
Paving the Way creates a safe path home for your MLCer and just as with all paving jobs, you will need some tools.
Direct Tools
The Unconditionals: Grace, Agapé and Forgiveness
The Unconditionals are the stones with which you Pave the Way. They are guidelines for how treat each other—MLCers, alienators and all others. The Unconditionals the primary direct tool for Paving the Way.
Truth Darts
Yes, MLCers are often upset upon delivery, but Truth Darts enable self-reflection which enables progress.
Validating sends the message that you accept a person’s feelings as being real even if you don’t like them or the resultant actions.
This is especially important for Close Contacters like Clinging Boomerangs who think they want out and then change their mind—over and over. Part of their cycling may be rooted in a fear of abandonment.
Be Consistent and Flexible
I know, these seem to conflict one another. Be consistent in the Unconditionals, but how you apply the tools may change because what works today may have an opposite result next week. MLCers progress and so you need to adjust your interactions as they progress.
Indirect Tools
The direct tools were about things you can do in person or interactions with your MLCer; the indirect tools are about working on yourself and by doing that you become an attractive force like a lighthouse for your MLCer.
Rediscover You: Get a Life
Choose Joy—embrace the journey
Redirecting and Reprogramming Thoughts and Beliefs
"I guess there is no opportunity to Pave the Way when you are dealing with Monster? Am I right in thinking I should just be polite, as nice as is possible in difficult circumstances and just leave him to do whatever?"
The main question is basically a version of how can I Pave the Way when/if…
My MLCer is a Vanisher and we have no contact?
I set a No Contact Boundary?
My MLCer refuses to pay attention/listen to me?
My MLCer hates me?
My MLCer doesn’t live at home?
We don’t communicate?
The questioner is right, but the implication that being polite, nice and leaving him to do whatever are not part of Paving the Way is incorrect, those are what Paving the Way is about.
MLCers disconnect gradually. Use this time to begin laying a foundation for a future return, because midlife crisis gets worse and contact and communication may decrease, along with your opportunities for direct contact and communication to Pave the Way. That does not mean Paving the Way will cease when your MLCer moves out or reduces contact; it means the type of tools you use will change. In the beginning I knew that Chuck would leave within a few weeks—he had an apartment lined up—and I knew that his affair would become physical soon after he moved out. That meant I only had a few weeks to strengthen our foundation by starting to add new paving stones. I continued throughout his midlife crisis, but he gave me more opportunities to Pave the Way directly (in person) because of the initial work I did to Pave the Way in the beginning. Paving the Way is often more about how you treat the situation and your MLCer rather than about what you do specifically. In addition it is also about how you treat yourself which is why boundaries are part of the toolbox; we teach people how to treat us.