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Author Topic: Off-Topic Anjae


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Off-Topic Re: Anjae
#60: October 15, 2019, 04:07:48 AM

I really feel like we have been more than fair and bent over backwards to try to please everyone.

I don’t always agree with the herd and I know I can often rub others the wrong way but I very much believe you do everything you can to be fair.

Impossible to please everybody all of the time.

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I packed his bags two days later...semi-vanisher



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Re: Anjae
#61: October 15, 2019, 05:08:34 AM
Be open to hearing things you might not want to deal with that help you discover where the work needs to be done (whoever said that earlier - right on! I'm sorry I have lost the quote right now).

All credit to Acorn on that one - and I loved it too and wish it was lit up in sparkly letters in a banner across the top of every page of the site.
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Re: Anjae
#62: October 15, 2019, 03:32:18 PM
I joined the site pretty much around the time it was started.  My collision course with MLC was timed just about the time RCR got this whole thing going.

I don't post here often anymore - but do update on occasion.

For those of you who haven't been around as long, or do not know RCR's experiences with other sites - banning members was a thing that RCR did not (and probably does not) want to do.  I am sure that this decision wasn't taken lightly.

Sorry to see anyone banned.  We are all here (or should be) to help ourselves and others navigate the treacherous waters of MLC. 

I found lots of support here....and attempted to offer some myself (after I got a bit healthier).  Sure - there were times when some posters "got in my face" or maybe I unnerved someone with a thoughtless comment that I may have made. 

I just know - after all this time  (BD was way back in 2010) - I no longer look for or entertain drama in my life.'s a bit boring now - but I DON'T miss drama!  Too many other, more important things to concern oneself with.

I've read the comments and I see that there are posters on "both sides" of this issue.  As OP has stated (many times) - this is RCR's forum...ultimately - it is up to her.

What I do see is that RCR did not moderate or attempt to stifle this thread.  Everyone has been able to have a voice.


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M -64,  ExH - 71 (57 at BD)
M - 33 years (did the last 3 years count?)
D - 34, D -30, S - 30
BD 5/29/2010, Ran away from home - 8/15/2010,
Found out about affair - 2/11
H asks for divorce - 8/11
H filed for divorce 10/11
Announced "new" girlfriend 12/12 (3rd OW)
Divorce final 06/13 (I decided to finish it)
Dumped OW#3 9/15 (After 4 years)
Married OW#1 2019
OW#1 filed for divorce from ExH 9/24

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Re: Anjae
#63: October 15, 2019, 04:23:55 PM
My opinion is one account should be enough for anyone as if there’s an opinion pole multiple accounts skews the data. Also answering in different identities could possibly influence people’s opinions on topics and cause contagion as we have seen on many occasions. It would be interesting to see what the population of this site really is with singular accounts.

There has to be order in all walks of life and this site is in a state of flux in part due to its popularity and changing environment. We all need to adapt to this climate change or end up like the dinosaurs.
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Re: Anjae
#64: October 15, 2019, 05:35:48 PM

I agree 100 percent with what you said in your last post!!
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« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 04:12:42 AM by Thunder »
A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Re: Anjae
#65: October 15, 2019, 09:43:23 PM
I was not surprised that this happened.

When I came here over three years ago, I really liked and valued Anjae's posts. She was smart and concise. As time has gone by, that changed for me, to the point that I had to skip over her posts (which were A LOT) because her views had seemed to calcify; they read as narrow and inflexible to me. And, too often, they lacked compassion.
It was - sorry for the cliche - triggering.

This was in stark contrast to what, I feel, RCR was seeing, as she watched our stories unfold. What had originally been a method to, hopefully, save our marriages became, as fewer and fewer of our marriages survived, a place for US to not merely survive, but to thrive.

The mission did change. Yes it did. Because the world changed. I could go on and on about that.

But that is not why Anjae was banned. She was banned because she thought she did not have to abide by the rules.
And yes, this could happen to any of us, at any time.

I'm good with that. I'm playing in RCR's sandbox.

Thanks RCR, for inviting us over to play.
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« Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 10:10:08 PM by SteelSpine »
me 59, H 55
S17, S13 & S13
M 1/98

7/16 - BD - PA - OW
No legal action. Reconnected.
Done, with compassion.

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Re: Anjae
#66: October 16, 2019, 01:35:43 AM
I've only returned to the forum recently (just over a month ago) but had spent a lot of time on here a few years back and I'm sorry to read that Anjae's been banned for life.  I've always appreciated her directness in her line of questioning - even if it is sometimes hard to hear/read.  I realise that's not the reason she's been banned but it does seem to be one of the things that some people are latching onto.

I hope that with time that there could be an opportunity for Anjae to return - she has so much knowledge to share and I do believe she asks a lot of important questions.
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W: 40
Married 1 year together 3.5 years
No kids but we have dogs
BD: 7th September 2019 (although lots of signs for previous 4 months)
EA with old school friend who appears to also be going through MLC for at least 4 months and I think OW since at least August
I have a wealth of experience of MLC (which I'd rather not have) - my previous long-term R (17 years, including 6 months of marriage) ended in D in July 2015 because I wanted to end it as it was an abusive R

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Re: Anjae
#67: October 16, 2019, 11:18:35 AM
Good day all,

TNT, you are correct.  There is no room here for the likes of Stayed and myself, in my opinion.  I saw the writing on the wall some time ago and made the decision to quit being a mod, to stop posting for the most part and certainly to quit long writings and our discussion threads.  I am speaking only for myself in the following:

Yes, the tone has changed.  And an organization's tone starts at the top.  As OP noted, RCR has a large family and spends limited time here. She has certainly not been writing much of late on the forum resources.  Anjae used to ask her repeatedly to write new articles and update writings already posted.  Some even quietly whispered that she was becoming an absentee landlord whose building was falling into decay, that she had moved on with her life and MLC was no longer a relevant part, and surely she would fold up the site soon.  And who could blame her?  Hasn't she given enough?  And now has to waste her time refereeing perceived slights between supposed adults just to ensure this is a "safe enough haven" for all those who come here? 

Some Old Timers watched as the focus changed from the old balanced approach of get people on their feet while also helping them to heal to this powdery encouragement recognizing and affirming entitlement and victimhood for fear of offending anyone. 

The pendulum had swung too far to one side.  The balance is gone.  And it's not coming back.  Yes, in my opinion.

So, yes OP, there are more posters and fewer Mods.  In my opinion, Kikki is correct in asking if that isn't the result of a changed atmosphere.  And, yes, on this thread there are several former Mods who came back to post who at one time had influence but are critical of the forum as it stands.  I am one of those.  But I'd disagree that anyone bent over backwards for us.  Our influence was earned.  We invested countless hours here.  We gave our time, money, and skills all while we were putting our lives back together and we had jobs, children, careers, significant others, health issues, and fought to pay our bills and make a life for ourselves. We balanced all that and were still here.

We banged our heads on the wall over and over.  It looks months of fighting to add financial protection to the discussion even after dozens of old timers were financially devastated by taking the advice to let the MLCer own the divorce.  It took years to change other things including the reassurance that MLC takes 3, 5, 7, no maybe 10 years, and MLCers will come through and want to reconcile even in the face of a decade of experience suggesting that may not be true.   We stuck our necks out when the clique quietly hinted so and so is a problem.  Yes, Nah you were never a traditional stander.  And there were people here who wanted you sanctioned during the meNow heyday of you finding yourself.  And people that defended you, who fought for you so you could have room to be nontraditional. And that came at a cost to those in time, emotion, hurt feelings, and reputation.  One of us got tagged with the stereotype of mean during that time which has stuck all these years later.  Now anything she says is seen through that label.  We were also the ones who were so mean yet cared enough to have welfare checks done on people who threatened suicide while others sat by.  But Bent over backwards for? No.  And we didnt do it for thanks or appreciation.  We did it because we cared and believed in the forum of that time and the people here.

Yet we weren't supported or in a lot of cases. And it has nothing to do with the strawman argument that no one can please everyone.  Certain people's repeated behavior was excused repeatedly.  And is still excused regardless of the code of conduct.  The high school clique is not only still alive and well but growing stronger.  One still can't disagree with some without being accused of being mean or argumentative.  That's not bending over backwards.  That's conflict avoidant codependent enabling and paving a clear path to becoming a victim of MLC which allows MLC to define one's life.  Yes, in my opinion. 

So, no, please don't expect me to be quietly loyal to this forum as it is today, so very far from the things I was taught when I first came here.  The forum I spent so much, time energy, effort, and money to support the people here.

It's that I'm tired of banging my head on the wall when it's clear the direction of the forum changed.  Anjae is the last that felt it was worth it and now she's gone.  No one dueled with Anjae long than I have.  And yet neither one of us resorted to telling mommy.  We agreed on some things, disagreed on others, and had thought provoking conversations that dozens of posters participated in.  Those conversations expanded thoughts, gave others a way to let off steam, and distract them from the zoo MLC had turned their lives into, for a few minutes.

It's interesting to this law professor the people who say there must be order and rules.  That's true.  However, tenets of law dictate that the rules apply to all fairly, that like actions are punished in like fashion, and that punishment fits the action and intent.  That includes posters and mods.  That's lacking.  Yes, in my opinion.

XYZCF asked who will be next.  And her question was brushed off, ignored.  Yet a few posts farther down a Mod notes there are certain posters she thinks need addressed, that they are inappropriate and argumentative.  Another Mod comes later and agrees with her.  What does that say?

Someone mentioned change or become a dinosaur.  Fine.  But, I'd rather be an dinosaur that's honest and true to my values than quietly say nothing when wrong is done to another.  And so, yes, we are back to the original thought by TNT, that there is no room for people like myself here.  And I'm fine with that, because my life isn't defined by MLC. 

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if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.

Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall



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Re: Anjae
#68: October 16, 2019, 11:37:59 AM

XYZCF asked who will be next.  And her question was brushed off, ignored.  Yet a few posts farther down a Mod notes there are certain posters she thinks need addressed, that they are inappropriate and argumentative.  Another Mod comes later and agrees with her.  What does that say?

I'm glad you brought this up.  I believe this is the post you are referring to:

I would also like to take this opportunity just to say - (sorry if this is going off topic a bit) but there are several other posters that I believe should be removed from this site!

They continuously start arguments, cause upsets and post controversial stuff.  There’s also a certain person that posts, that I find downright offensive! This person writes about their sexual exploits, their many relationships and personal information and none of it has anything to do with MLC and in my opinion shouldn’t be allowed to continue on a site specifically created to support LBS’s!!!

In the interest of full disclosure, I have also pointed that particular post out to RCR in a PM, for the following reason:

"They continuously start arguments, cause upsets and post controversial stuff."

What is one person's definition of starting an argument differs from another's.
What upsets one person doesn't upset another.
What is controversial to one may not bother another.

The moderators now have the ability to put members on moderation (and as was pointed out, that system was put in place largely at the continued squawking of one member who doesn't even post anymore), but so much is up to personal opinion: what a moderator finds upsetting or controversial might not be so to everyone.  What one forum member complains about might not bother others. 

There are clear cut infractions: calling people derogatory names, threatening people and so on.
Then there's everything else.

And to echo Acorn and Ready2, (and myself from as far back as earlier this year during the initial blow up that resulted in the new moderation system): what feels "upsetting" might just be an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. 
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Re: Anjae
#69: October 16, 2019, 11:50:33 AM
It takes at least two people to have an argument, and sometimes the reason it becomes an argument is not because of the starter, but because of the reaction of someone else to what the first party said. It's quite amusing though that some think that only one participant in an argument should be sanctioned. This tells me that what these people don't like is not the arguing itself, but the substance of what one party is saying.

Old Pilot, with all due respect, I think that one reason that you may be having a hard time finding fair and just people to join the moderation team is that the fair and just people see the biased attitudes of the current moderation team and don't want to be part of a team where such attitudes prevail.
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« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 11:53:38 AM by Not Your Monkey »


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