The questions are fair, but also there are limited resources. Be reminded that while we have approximately 4,000 members on HS, how many active threads are going at any given time? 20 to 30?
There are in the US 84,000,000 adults ages 40-60 (Doesn't cover the entire spectrum of the MLC age, but does give us a solid number to work with). I read an article from Atlantic Monthly that states 10-20 percent of all adults will undergo MLC. That means approximately eight to sixteen million people in the US are having MLC right now. The sheer numbers alone really does not provide us a quantitative sample and a limited qualitative sample as well.
There are also 876,000 divorces each year. Many marriage counselors will state that their low statistics are due to the fact that many couples wait until it is too late to start counseling and one or both of the partners are already done and basically attend counseling as a "we tried" excuse before they end the marriage. Does that mean the advice given by the counselors is poor? I don't know.
My marriage did not reconcile and I was divorced. Does than mean the advice I give is inadequate or poor- it all depends on the person receiving it. Maybe I helped one person shift from one of complete loss to one of I will survive this mess. To me, that is a success.
After all, I have never met the MLCer. I don't provide advice or hear their side of the story. Maybe the forum would be different if we had both MLCers and LBSers. Talk about the fireworks then.
Many people come onto the forum and leave without ever posting. We don't know the results either. Many post a couple of times and then leave-no results either. Many are just simply overwhelmed with life and don't have the time to post or feel that there is nothing to post.
Success stories are rare. I would suggest that many stop posting regularly because as they reconcile, they don't want to be with their spouse and posting on a forum about that spouse- good or bad.
"Hello honey, what are you writing?"
"Oh nothing, just some quick lines about you and your crisis."
Not a good idea for reconciliation stories.
As for me, I try to concentrate on the newbies and helping them start to work on themselves. I rarely post on reconciliation as I have no experience to offer or refer back to in providing any advice other than basic encouragement. It was just recently my ex called me and apologized. We have spoken one more time since then...it wasn't one of a loving couple, but the conversation was respectful and kind on both sides. Maybe that is a start of a reconciliation of sorts. I'm not going back, but at least we can go forward with peace in our hearts.
So, I am going to ask, if we changed things.....what would we do differently? What would be the one thing that we could shift that would give us the results we seek? It is always easy to identify the problem but not so easy to solve.
Something to ponder.....