I didn't come to this site looking for advice. I came to this site because I was trying to figure out what happened to my wife. The changes I saw in her simply didn't make sense. But I wasn't looking for advice. I simply needed to know what happened to her. Once I understood that I knew I was capable of deciding what to do without anyone else telling me.
The support I received from people on this site was extremely helpful as I tried to deal with a situation that made no sense. The advice, though I'm sure well-intentioned, was often annoying. Being told to take my eyes off my wife and focus on myself when I was trying to figure out why my wife was doing what she was doing was not helpful.
The reconciliation statistics are meaningless IMO. This may sound cold but if only 1 out of 1000 reconcile and that 1 is me then the other 999 don't matter. If I give up because I'm told chances of reconciliation are extremely low, then I become 1 of the 999 and that skews the statistics.
MLC lasts a very long time and is very hard on LBSes. The only real conclusion I feel I can draw, based on what I've learned from reading thousands of posts over the past 5 years, is that most LBSes give up long before their MLCer comes out of the tunnel. Posting statistics that state that only about .0025% of the members on this site have posted reconciliations threads will only increase the number of LBSes who give up, IMO.
If you want some meaningful statistics, perhaps you should contact all LBSes who have been HS members for at least 10 years, get contact info from them for their MLCers, and then contact the MLCers and ask how many of them would have reconciled if they would have had that option. But the site hasn't been around long enough for that to work. So we're trying to assign meaning to statistics for a long term disorder from a site that has only been around for a short time and doesn't reflect the MLCers POV. Good luck with that!
The next best thing might be to listen to what ex-MLCers have to say but they don't seem to last long on this site before the negative nellies drive them away. Most of them that I can recall seemed to have wanted to reconcile although several of them couldn't because the LBS had moved on.
We have an acronym in the data processing field, GIGO. Stands for Garbage In Garbage Out. RedStar is correct. The "data" you are processing to determine the odds of reconciliation occurring is useless, primarily because you aren't correcting for all of the LBSes who decide not to stand or who decide to quit standing.
Now that I feel that I have a pretty good idea what caused my wife's MLC, I figure the odds of her wanting to return are pretty good. Better than even. But I can't say that this applies to anybody else's situation. Everyone has to decide that for themselves and it's going to depend on the cause of the spouses "MLC".
I figure my odds of reconciliation are still dependent on whether I'm willing to be there for my wife if she becomes ready to return. If I were more easily swayed by other people's opinions discussions like this one wouldn't help me to eventually reconcile as this discussion seems to be doing a great job of spreading doubt and killing hope.
In the United States only 0.5 percent of the population has run a marathon. Those reconnection odds are slightly better. Just sayin.
I've completed 6 marathons and I'm not done yet. Based on this comment I guess my odds of reconnecting are pretty good. Primarily because MLC truly is a marathon, not a sprint. LBSes who don't have the stamina to handle a marathon are going to continue to skew the reconciliation statistics, not because reconciliation couldn't have happened for them but because they chose to drop out of the race before it was over.
Oooh watch out Morte.
Language like that will get you moderated or possibly banned!
This is creating an "unsafe environment" for the standers!!!
Inflammatory comments like this aren't helpful either.