The old server would occasionally display a white page with message that resources were exceeded. That has nothing to do with users logged in, and shouldn't happen on any decent server. AFAIK, there is no limit to how many users can be logged on.
Really sorry but I don’t understand all this technical talk!
If I don’t log in then the forum is very hard to read and use!
If I log in it looks normal on my phone!
It’s a nuisance as I don’t always want to log in or don’t have the time and as I said without logging in the site is unuseable for me!
It’s not good telling me all the technical lingo as I don’t understand it!
There are currently three themes installed on the forum, they each present the same content with a different look.
Curve is the main theme that's included in the software, it's not responsive and won't look or work well on a phone.
Curve Multi Color is the theme MLC has been using for a while, it's based on Curve and includes color variants, you've been seeing the green version. It's also not responsive.
Ant's Mutant Curve is a recent redesign of Curve that is fully responsive, that's why we're trying it here. I've recolored it to match CMC green.
Admin selects which theme is default, that's what guests see (you're a guest when not logged in), and members who have not opted for a different theme. Members can select a different theme in their Profile, checking your account I see you've done that. When you're logged in, the forum knows who you are and uses the theme you've selected (Curve Multi Color). When you're logged out you're a guest, forum doesn't know who you are and has no know way of knowing you've selected a different them, so you see the default theme (Mutant Curve).
Yesterday I added a dropmenu up top that allows you to select one of the three themes. It's supposed to change the profile setting and was when I tested it, but today it's not. It changes theme for current session but reverts to default when you logout/login. Am looking into that.