Good point, LP.
The number of dead from the coronavirus are not the same as your average flu. Nor do hospitals find every winter that their ICU units are not enough to cope with those seriously ill to the point that they have to decide between one patient and the other. This is happening in all countries affected by the coronavirus.
There are several reasons why Italy might have had such high numbers, one of them being they were the first in the Western world to deal with this pandemic. Italy's numbers might not be the worst once this virus goes around the world.
Whether the virus is no 'worse' than the common flu has no relevance to the coronavirus, because this one is 2.5 times more contagious than any normal flu. This is the problem. Because of the high number of serious cases at once, the medical staff are getting it and dying of it, too. These are people we need to help all our sick with normal critical conditions such as strokes, accidents, heart attacks, cancer, clots, bronchial asthma, I could go on.....
Two months staying inside for everyone's benefit including our own is not a violation of our freedom as far as I'm concerned, it's a responsible act. Where the countries were very strict like Singapore, the death rate has been much lower. To me that is something to be grateful for.
To me being told to stay inside until this virus is over is the same as saying don't go swimming when there is high tide. That wouldn't feel like a violation of my freedom. It's protection.