I read some interesting statistics about the role of immigrants in this time of COVID.
"6.3 million immigrants hold jobs that are key to fighting coronavirus
1 in 4 doctors in the US are immigrants
38% of home health aides are immigrants
22% of workers in the US food industry are immigrants
37% of meat processing industry workers are immigrants
35% of crop production workers are immigrants
483,000 immigrants work in grocery stores
69% of California's agricultural workers are immigrants
34% of metro, bus and taxi drivers are immigrants
6 million immigrants work in industries that are laying off large numbers of workers"
https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/21/us/immigrants-coronavirus-frontlines/index.htmlIt is not bashing to seriously look at the inadequacies of a country. To consider ways to make this society a better place.
A term that is used in the medical world and elsewhere is "best practices". It means that you look at the research from around the world on various treatments and ideas and apply those best practices to create a better outcome for patients.
It is not bashing to express different view points, in a respectful and polite manner.
To be told over and over to "take my toys and go home" and to make declarations about my homeland that are not true, that is a problem for me.
The world experts are the ones who are outlining what we must do to save lives, and one of those things is to avoid contact with others. Staying at home unless it is for an essential service or an essential need will save lives.
Protesting in large groups, not at all practicing any kind of distance between protestors, not wearing masks...those individuals are going to spread COVID into the community and cause deaths. Deaths I would prefer to avoid.