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Author Topic: Off-Topic  Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #2

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Treasur, as far as Mr Trump's style of communication goes, he is from Queens NY.
They all talk this way and really it is just the way he was brought up and speaks.
The American media kills him for it, and that translates into the way the rest of the world views him too.

OP - as you know - I am from NYC - and intimately familiar with how people here speak.
It is highly inaccurate to say that Trump's style of communication is due to the fact he was brought up in Queens.
Many of my friends were brought up in Queens - and though my job I have communicated with many people in Queens.  People in Queens are most certainly capable of proper speech - and I find it insulting to characterize all residents of Queens this way.  I don't think Treasur was commenting on Trump's regional accent.  I think she was addressing the issue of Trump contradicting himself and denying facts.  She is also spot on when noticing that when asked a question he does not like - the president will blame or ridicule the question or the reporter.  It is a childish and rather obvious way of not answering a question. 

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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #2
#21: April 08, 2020, 06:22:48 AM
Here is something that might help if you contract the virus:
Breathing technique for Corona Virus  via @YouTube

Here are DR. Munshi's instructions:
•   Take a deep breath in.
•   At the end of it, hold your breath for five seconds, then release.
•   Do this five times — five breaths total.
•   Next, take a sixth deep breath in, then at the end of it cough strongly — covering your mouth when you do so.
•   The six breaths plus cough at the end represent once cycle. Repeat this cycle twice.
Munshi then instructed patients to lie on their stomach on a bed, taking slightly deeper breaths than normal for the next 10 minutes. “The majority of your lung is on your back, not on your front,” Munshi said in the video. “So by lying on your back, you’re closing off more of the smaller airways and this is not good during the period of infection.

I really think that is would be best to NOT embark on a political discussion about Mr. Trump's capabilities on this forum. There is such a complete divison about this person...we are dealing with so much right now, perhaps best not to bring this topic here.
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Yes, Trump was born in Queens.  But I fail to see how that translates to her point that:

"But those big statements of I'm gonna do x bc y....followed by denial he said what he literally just said or deflecting to another topic or blaming the questioner"

Either he said the words or he didn't as far as I can tell is the factual issue.

Now as to actual style, I am not bothered in the least if his style were just coarser and blunter than other leaders style.  By that measure, of being born in Queens, I should have apparently been born in Queens and then people could have excused my communication style rather than some complaining they felt attacked I guess.  And that would make me very happy!

As to uniting and supporting the President in a time of crisis, it varies with vantage point.  What one sees from a limited vantage point is not what another sees as noted.  But there is a difference between blind unquestioning loyalty and earned and deserved loyalty. 
I come from a long line of military service, government service, years of being a Marine wife and yet I do not like my President denying he said something when it is taped.  I do not like when he encourages more of a cult of personality than a reliance on scientific data and facts.  That tastes like too much of the country we fled than the America we were promised.  Yes, the leaders are under pressure, but that is exactly the job they chose.  No one excused my husband when he was fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan or other areas because he was under pressure.  Had he lied or risked lives unnecessarily or relied on feeling over data or been unwilling to admit mistakes he would not have been excused or his men blindly follow him and support him.  An example.

I hope for no less from the leader of this country. 

And would happily unite and support him if that were so or becomes so.  Now is not the time for showmanship, for ego, for silly Twitter comments, for arguing fault or blaming predecessors or political parties or re-writing codes and job descriptions of federal responsibility vs state responsibility or Congressional control vs Presidential powers or firing those who don't show blind loyalty.

The measure should be what he does to fix this, to move forward, to lead the country, to unify the country.  That's his job, the job he chose.  And that part is what remains to be seen.  Too bad it is difficult and or stressful.

Excuses and deflecting blame are for MLCERS, for those too immature to accept responsibility and too weak to own responsibility.  We here should have all learned by now that actions of the past can't be undone, that excuses are enabling, that the only way forward is to actually face forward and move, that words without actions are meaningless, that plans require follow through. We perhaps should have also learned to think about who receives our loyalties.

I hope and pray Trump and our political leaders can do this.  But as of now I have concerns.  I also hope people remember the phrase, trust but verify.  After all that phrase became popular under a Republican President. 

Just my opinion,


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if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.

Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall

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I really think that is would be best to NOT embark on a political discussion about Mr. Trump's capabilities on this forum. There is such a complete divison about this person...we are dealing with so much right now, perhaps best not to bring this topic here.

Terribly sorry, I missed your post when I posted.  I would agree.

And thank you for the breathing advice.

I read an article about how the virus tries to create plug like things in the lungs.  Those with the plugs seem to need ventilator more than those that don't.  Keeping moving and exercising lungs helps to prevent those plugs by keeping stuff moving in the lungs.

Note that I'm not a medical professional.  Plugs is just what the pictures looked like to me.  Maybe corks is better picture word.  So perhaps I'm not understanding the intricacies well.  There was a bunch of talk about some substance that makes a lung elastic as well which seems to make one able to cough correctly. 

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if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.

Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall

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More interesting information from a couple of new studies (reported from The Guardian, haven't found the original publication yet, sorry).

First is that there seems to be an emerging consensus that the spread of Coronavirus is more in clusters of social interaction rather than broad spread in public. That spread via touch on surfaces, tablets, etc is not the primary driver of the spread, rather groups in close contact for periods of time (like churches, concerts, or gatherings) are how clusters are formed. Then everyone going back from the event causes a spread into their social circles (families, friends, workplaces). So its more "loops" of clusters than a curve as everyone in public thinks spreading out. If you can stop and track clusters you can break the infection spread. This really does mean that we should continue to not allow large public gatherings (including church services) until there is vaccination and other treatments. But if this holds true then casual daily contact is not as big a driver as we may think. Please keep in mind this is all early ideas but may shape policy once we are past the initial lockdown.

Second is a more detailed analysis of one cluster shows interesting resutls. One that got reported today is about a detailed study of a cluster in Germany that they call "Germany's Wuhan." After interviewing and testing 1000 people there the thought is it started in a Carnival event on 15 February where there were people in close contact. They did not find that it was from dishwashers or touch contact, but there was a lot of performances and activity and close contact. People mingled, pecks on the cheek are norm and the one male performer at the event was the first to be admitted to hospital. But the final numbers they got from the analysis is that 14% of the population had developed immunity (they had expected 5% which I believe means more people were asymptomatic or fought off the infection but were exposed that initially thought). Also the fatality in the area recalculated was 0.37%, compared to what Johns Hopkins estimated the rate in Germany is (1.98%). So either that region was very different than the guestimate or the bigger guestimate numbers are still incomplete due to "missing" infected people. My guess (not based on sold data to be clear) is the final fatality numbers will be well below 1%.

The examples given were an evangelical pray-in attended by 2000 people in France, Germany Heinsberg carnival (case above), Australia Bondi beach party where 30 people became infected, a funeral of a man who had been infected in Italy, and Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the close social contact and sharing cups.
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No Kids, 23 years at BD1 (4 years), married 21
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I have a couple of questions that I have been wondering about and although there might not be anyone here who can answer them, maybe someone has heard or read stuff that could be useful.

When someone is asymptomatic, does that mean that they are in effect sick for say a period of 14 days even though you couldn't tell?  What I mean is this, is someone asymptomatic a risk factor for spreading the disease only while they are 'sick?' or are they healthy carriers of the virus for ever like some people carry the Meningitis bacteria in their throats?

Also, once there is a vaccine, can everyone have it, even those who might have had the virus without knowing it?
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Milly these are educated guesses and information I have read:

Asymptomatic means they are indeed spreaders of the virus. Their immune system may be preventing them from having symptoms but they are "shedding" the virus. Without coughing (which is a symptom) the shedding has to be from breathing, so may require closer contact. But like a normal sick/recovery they will stop after they fight off the virus. It may be best to think of them as sick but with to external symptoms (or mild ones they don't register like loss of smell). I know places that have clampdown are now focused much more on asymptomatic transmission and initially it wasn't realized how much of a role they may play in spread. But in a way this is not different than someone in the first 2-3 days of being infected when they show no symptoms but still can spread the virus by similar means.

Anyone can have the vaccine. If you already had the virus (with or without symptoms) your immune system has learned the "fingerprint" and will fight it off. The vaccine simply teaches your immune system the fingerprint, and seeing it again will not really be that different than being exposed to it when you have immunity.

Hope that helps.
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« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 04:55:14 AM by marvin4242 »
No Kids, 23 years at BD1 (4 years), married 21
First signs of MLC Jan '15
BD 1 Jan '17, BD 2 Mar, Separated Apr, BD 3 May,BD 4 Jun '18
First Sign of Waking up-Dec '17, First Cycle out of MLC Mar '18-Jun ‘18, Second cycle Jul '18-??
Meets OM Jan '17 and acts "in love," admits "in love" Jun '18, asks for divorce Jul '18, no change since, keeps "not leaving"

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Great answers, Marvin! Thank you so much!
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Married 1989, together since 1984 
BD May 2014,
D26, D23, S16
OW Physical Affair same one. He and she said she turned 34 the month of BD. She turned 52 this year.

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Last night on the news there was a story about a new drug that would make the virus unable to adhere to lung tissue that sounded promising.  Human trials will begin soon.  That's an interesting approach to combating the virus.  Not a cure or eradication, but essentially taking the biggest threat from the virus, making it more manageable and a quicker return to normal living therefore.

As well the news ran a story from the federal government that said the virus was brought to the US by people returning from Europe, (Italy and Germany in the beginning).  The State Department announced they repatriated over 50,000 Americans since this began with travel restrictions.  There are still more coming back in the next days)weeks as plans are made for hard to reach areas.  Several Americans were just brought back from deep in the Amazon jungle for example. 

We now have virus in 2 of our nursing homes. The county published no new numbers yesterday so half think the worst and half think the best. 

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if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.

Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall

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Re: COVID-19, Coronavirus. Its real, stay safe! #2
#29: April 09, 2020, 06:05:42 AM
We now have virus in 2 of our nursing homes. The county published no new numbers yesterday so half think the worst and half think the best. 

Oh dear.  I think it’s a catastrophe in nursing homes.  Donthe staff live in I wonder?
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