its been about 7 weeks since my last post. Xh came back this weekend for youngest daughter's softball tournament (the irony of the weekend holiday is not lost on me). Some things I noticed.
**I clearly see now the problem was never me or our marriage. This weekend went by and we fell into our comfortable relationship. Laughing, joking, sarcasm, physical flirting. As the weekend progressed and more of the kids came over and joined in- he began to pull away. Became distant and more irritable. Less affectionate with me. You could see the personality shift- like having everyone together was literally draining him.
**He came in on Friday for her first game that evening. Showed up early in the day. Greeted me with a big hug and complimented me on looking great. Met back at my house around noon- had lunch and small talk. Followed me around. He seemed relaxed and like my old husband.
** He was super helpful this weekend. Helped with dishes, packing the car and coolers, hauling all the softball gear around and a stellar dad. UNTIL the older girls came. They are not going to forgive and forget his actions easily. And they are letting that be known. It was hard to see my family in such a way. Lots of conflicted feelings from me. But like I said above, you could see the tension from the girls weighing on him. Pushing him away again.
A few weird things to note.
The plan was for him to take our D10 back with him to his hotel after Friday's game. I had plans (a date actually). While I was out, I got a text that his hotel cancelled his room and that he wasn't sure what to do. Apparently there is big conference in town and rooms were expensive and hard to find. I told him to go down to the guest room and he could stay over and have sleep over with D10. I KNOW I KNOW- WTH, Kell!? Strangely, it worked out fine...we had to leave at 7:30 for the first game Saturday. NO questions or inquiries into my evening or what we did or where we went. Just acted like it never happened. I'm pretty sure he overheard me talking with the older girls later in the day about it. He never tried to find a room for the next night. I looked online- just curious and there were plenty of available rooms at a reasonable rate. So just weird.
He played the perfect dad role pretty well at the tournament. Was it all an illusion? A mask? Just for show? I don't know- but I had plenty of friends coming up to me asking if we getting back together...that's how normal we seemed as a family. It's crazy. By this morning though- he couldn't get far enough away from me. Still paid me compliments and was kind, but avoided me physically like the plague. I could also seem him tensing up, trying hard to keep that mask on.
Referred to us as 'we' several times throughout the weekend. Sadly there is no 'we' as 'we' are divorced.
Told my D10 that he moved away for work. He'd probably move back in a few years. What!? Talk about a flip-flopping and not keeping stories straight.
He talked a lot about himself, his family (dad and Brother) and work. Lots of personal detailed information which is a huge change from his last visit when he was pretty tight lipped about his new life. He never asked about me or mine. What I do, where I work, school, nothing. And still a lot of self loathing and depression talk.
ANYWAY- what I really want to note is that once you detach and see the MLC for what it is (a personal crisis) then life gets so much easier. It lifts a weight to know there's nothing I could have done; I couldn't have loved him more or been more understanding. It was never about me. I am still taking this time to grow and learn and invest in myself, but that I was more than enough and would have given more than enough to make things better. But he quit on us. And I can't do it by myself.
The path to healing and recovery is not just one step. It's a staircase. And all of these little lessons and realizations lift me up another step. Until eventually I'm out of the dark hole that BD threw me into. Every step matters, needs to be acknowledged and felt. So onward I go.
YOU keep interrupting his crisis. YOU keep him distracted with all your questions, statements and observations. YOU keep him from facing himself, from feeling the pain of missing his family (until he is ready to do something about it...or not ). YOU are keeping him from fully feeling and facing the man he is. Leave him 100% to his own devices and crisis ...100% shut it all down. Bow out...its not about you! I sometimes feel they have stranded themselves on some deserted island. They have done that to themselves as a result of their own actions, choices, behaviors. They need to figure out how to get off the island...the messy painful island they put themselves on. Stop taking him fresh water, food, homemade baking, clean clothes etc....why would he try to make himself better?