Hi TS,
What a lovely story about your meeting with the butterflies. I once heard (or read) that when you come across a butterfly, it's a deceased loved one communicating with you. I thought about this when I read your experience. We could use ancestral support right now. Related to this, I am visiting a psychic medium on Monday. He comes well recommended and in light of the summer of yes, I thought I'd give it a try. I'll keep you posted.
Regarding my h responding and showing up at the school meeting, this is not unusual for the 'new' him. He never contacts us but seems quick to reply when I reach out. I just stopped doing this because the last few texts I sent were met with emails that were 4/5 paragraphs long (and not kind). I honestly do not know why he shows up for the school meetings, he never contributes anything, and didn't even have his camera on. Luckily the meeting went well and my son is set for the next year.
There is definitely some serious cognitive dissonance going on. I am familiar with the concept and learned about it in light of hazing in college fraternities. The idea is that behaviour and thoughts need to be aligned or we feel out of whack. So, if we behave a certain way, it must be because we feel or think a certain way, for instance "I went through this horrible hazing experience, so I must really want to be in this fraternity."
This time I call BS on your h's.... 'moral line.' So, he had feelings for someone else and pursued her, without telling you any of this (two moral lines crossed here), but! because he would have left you (moral line number 3), if things were to get physical, he was not in the wrong? Well, applause for your him

. Do these men hear themselves talk? You might find Freud's theory on defensive mechanisms an additional interesting read, it relates nicely to this.
In any case, reality does not align with what they tell themselves (and us). Just to illustrate this point I will again insert my h's comment that he "is a great dad and nobody can tell him otherwise" here

In closing and in light of the summer of yes, I finally did trivia this week. My team consisted of myself and all men, otherwise

. I had a lot of fun and they invited me back. So far, saying yes to new things never disappoints.
Do you have any new events planned?