MLC50 - no offense intended I actually hesitated for a while before posting that because I knew it looked like I was blowing some steam or smethng, which I really wasn’t. I just wanted to shed a little light. But sometimes, text can be monotone or even misleading as there is no verbal tone, facial expressions, or body language to go with it, which could be half the message. Soooo. Somethings get missed in translation. But we’re good 😊
I just hope it doesn’t stop anyone from shooting questions and spitting out theories. I am just as interested in what happened to me as you all are in what happened to your loved one. And the questions you all ask come from outside a MLCer whereas mine come from within. So it allows me to see differently if it wasn’t for this discussion. If that makes any sense. Like you said earlier, I am healing as we speak. And I AM!
I wish I could just understand why That has driven some people to insanity.
It’s extremely difficult to understand anything that doesn’t have a “cause”, especially for those of us that are analytical (which you seem to be). Certainly, there must be a cause, a reason. After all, nothing manifests out of thin air. Right? But maybe some things do. How do we wrap our heads around that? The idea that it IS possible for some things to manifests out of thin air for no reason is pretty scarry for that means we don’t have any control over anything in our world. That’s pretty scary. But being analytical myself, I do believe that there is a cause but it may be decades or even a century before we discover what that is.
I think we might be better served if we come at this from curiosity rather than need as we may never know, but it could be fun and interesting to ponder. Like the building of the ancient pyramids. We may never know how it was done but it is interesting and fun to ponder.
My need to understand the "why" comes from an altruistic place. But if somehow we could ever figure out why MLCers do what they do, then we could potentially help thousands of people. And save tens of thousands of children from growing up in broken homes. For this reason alone. I dont think we should ever stop asking "why".
And I want to add, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. I had a MLC myself and I am curious about the "cause" as well as how we can avoid the destruction of whole families. So, I think we might have to get loud about this topic. If we get loud enough, it might one day force some funds to go into real scientific studies on it.
And we have to focus on our own healing. I couldn’t agree more. I think that is the best thing any of you can do for yourself, your MLC spouse, children, parents, and everyone else that' you are important to.
I wonder now if I will still be there for my wife when she comes out of her MLC (if she does). I am now but in 2-3 year, who knows. The journey continues. Maybe you will be there for her, maybe not. It depends on your own journey and where that takes you. But after reading all the things you posted here, one thing’s for sure to me, you will still have a heart for her. She was a pretty lucky woman.
I know your journey has been kind of short (2-3 years) so far and you might still have quite a ways to go, but I really think based on your posts that you are processing in a pretty healthy way. Learning how to accept is so extremely hard, but that seems to be the path you chose anyway, even as hard as it is. The healing takes quite some time but I think that you really are doing everything that you can for all involved and everything that I believe you should do. Keep showing up for yourself like you have been, you’ll get there.
Having the experiences and tools you had from your past might explain why you were so aware during your MLC experience. It might. One thing I have learned here recently is that while nearly everything about me changed, there were a few things that didn’t. Very few. Like I was perfectly comfortable with putting up those vids and talking about my MLC. Most MLCers would NEVER do that. But that WAS something I would have done before hitting the wall. I don’t know why there were a few things that didn’t change when most did. EVERYONE in my life noticed the change in me. So this is curious to me and has had me thinking about it.
And maybe it was not psychological issues that caused MLC with you, but physical ones. That’s why I truly wonder if it’s a chemical in the brain that goes haywire. For me, It’s the only thing that makes sense. It simply didn’t make any sense to me, that I, of all people, would have one.
I hope that one day he finds peace within himself..because I am not sure all that are in crisis do. This is an anomaly. And it is very sad. Most of those who come out of their MLC are able to find peace even while accepting their wrongs. I guess we find a way to forgive ourselves. Maybe the inability to find peace within themselves for those who come out of MLC might be a lack of that self-forgiveness. I am very grateful that I did find that peace. In that, I am able to help others through various things. A lot of MLCers turn to helping jobs or volunteering after coming out of it. Just helping in some way. I know I did. Maybe it's my way of giving some healing back to the world since I recognize that I caused some of its pain.
they did not choose to have a crisis. No siree, we did not! I was going along in my life, just minding my own business. Then, out of the blue, I was abducted. It was like in an instant, my life was gone along with my identity. It is so difficult to put in words. I sometimes wished I could put my family in my head so they could get it. So they could understand what it’s like to suddenly find yourself in a mind that wasn’t yours. So they could know that I wasn’t lying because, who can believe such a thing happens? Surely, I had to be lying. But I wasn’t.
It's also extremely difficult to get anyone to understand that you can’t stop it. I couldn’t stop it. I tried! Why would I want to blow up my world? I thought it was great! But as WHY pointed out earlier, even an act of God wasn’t going to stop me. No truer words have ever been spoken.
I spent a lot of time in the thick of it searching inside, looking for me. I didn’t find that person anywhere. She simply disappeared without a trace. We really don’t have any control. That is one of the things that disappears in the wind. It’s also one of the things that seems to be hardest for outsiders to understand. And I get it. I have always believed that behavior is a choice. And I still do to a degree…as long as the person is in their own mind. An MLCer is NOT.