I am six months into this. I brought up divorce, and my wife called an attorney. I retained one, but we are in a holding pattern. She has not followed through on a meeting that was supposed to be planned.
I am also wondering if I should push my lawyer to go all the way through.
My wife is not working, and she is expecting everything to be the same when divorced, except without me.
I tried to explain to her that I cannot afford an apartment and a house, she wants to keep the house, and doesnt want to work....
we are separated so thats how it is now.... she is having it the best of both worlds.
I am tempted to go for the divorce, and then if she wakes up, I would be glad to take her back.
Divorce is actually better for me financially. but not for her, and we would also need to sell the house....
She is in fantasy land. Thinking that all will be exactly as it is without me. I am also sick of a marriage where she is not a wife.
She still cares for the kids, which is also odd to me. She just doesnt love me or want me.
She is mean and sarcastic to me, but to the rest of the world, she is sweet and wonderful.
I know we have standers for years, but its six months, and I am thinking divorce.
Dont get me wrong, I love her dearly,.... and wish like hell this fog lifts. But I have a life to live too... Life is too short to wait around for years for someone who may not come back....
Divorce is not detrimental to me, it cant be much worst than it is now... its beneficial financially, and maybe this will wake her a## up.