About the divorce or not thing, I wonder if my situation is really different or not. H and I met in university, in 1978, and we lived together immediatly. We were 21 (I) and he 20. Our children arrived 10 and 12 years later. We never married, because he didn't want. He had no deep reasons, I was sad about that, I wanted to marry but never pressured him. He is passive agressive, and let me too often decide, so that he could obstruct most of the time (thats the only grief I have ; he always obliged me to decide).Marriage is a decision to be taken, and it arrived ...in 2008, at his 50'th birthday. We had a big party, and not having told me before, he said " This year, I marry Hope" in front of 30 friends.I was surprised, and you know what, I didn't answer because I was upset he hadn't talked about it before. Days went on, and I wanted to let him go and prepare the papers for wedding. I was afraid inside, I dont know why. Fear of a situation that he didn't want for so long, the balance was fixed.
Anyway, we weren't married when BD happened in december 2009. He said (kindly) to me " We aren't married, we cant divorce". And my question is I guess we didn't officialise our couple, and we cant have an official way for separate. I think thats why he feels inside still "attached" (and so avoidant) to me. Divorce is a way to say " Its over". We cant. Its painful for me, and for him I suppose too. What do you think of that? He doesn't feel free, I feel that. Even if I dont initiate contact as often as I did. Hugs, we all have to cope with our sitchs , even if they are different.