WP, you’re welcome. Yes, online posts can be misconstrued. Even if we use smiles we do not see or hear each other, so we miss on voice tone, facial expression and body posture. A thing that is said in a calm tone of voice can sound rude, for example.
Star, we are all trying to make sense of this all and the smartest decisions. It is not easy.
crazy, yes, would say that some situations may accelerate, or accentuate the crisis. But don’t think it is just down to one thing. If our part is not enough to help it…well, think it not enough to help it, no.
Lisa, almost all, if not all, marriages have issues. Not necessarily permanent issues, but occasional ones. All couples have more stressful periods, ups and downs. It is normal in any long term relationship. The existence of issues does not make a marriage a bad marriage. And most of the issues, I think, are worked out along the marriage. Exactly, it takes to have a marriage, two to work on the marriage but, in MLC we only have one person doing, or willing to doing, the work.
omr, so sorry that your husband is still feeling suicidal. And what a terrible story, the OW’s fiancee. One of my cousins has been severely depressed until some two months ago and had been suicidal for over one and a half year. His perception of those around him, his life, his job, is life achievements were all confused and seen as a problem. Since he come out of the deepest end of the depression he started to see things in a different fashion, more clear and, fortunately, realised that he has worth for those around him (he thought he did not. Not because anyone has told him he had not but because he was seeing himself as a failure).
kikki, funny how, sometimes, in time, they end up realize why we were critical, or thought some things were not so good for them.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)