Searched a few things about it and it seems interesting. Wonder where to put is Disorientation... Separation? Liminality?... The first two could be Murray Stein Separation, the last two Reintegration. For us that would be Mirdad’s Dismantling and Emptiness are RCR Separation, Rebuilding and A New Life, Rebirth and Reintegration.
If I'm getting Mirdad correctly, the soul, if crisis mode is reached, will go to places that will make it break in order to, afterwards, reach its new path. If you choose the easy way, you will get there faster and without such turmoil. If in crisis mode the soul hits all the “wrong” places to break, then, our MLCers crisis choices obviously are against their souls and their core and are only there to make them learn the hard way.
Not that some seem to learn…

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)