The thought crossed my mind that perhaps all these people kept their stories quiet because they not only didn't have any support, but there was nothing out there to give them help.
Most doctors, therapists and counselors don't really believe in MLC. They just see it as Depression....which, of course it is. However, they're missing out on the bigger picture of MLC behavior and most of the time wind up blaming the spouse!
No church that I am aware of has any programs to deal with anyone with MLC or the LBS. I get those pitiful looks from people who say they are praying for me. But, let's face it, they don't have a clue what I'm going through. Even the larger churches who have programs for those who have been divorced, do not talk about MLC. They mainly just chalk it all up to deplorable behavior or someone who has lost their faith. And it's MLC to the MAX the entire time!
I think this points to the fact that MLC is just now starting to get some attention and I believe we are the people who will be used to get the word out!

I realize we are all....except for the handful of restored marriages here.....still Standing. But, I believe we will have restored marriages out of our little group, and we will be the ones who need to start support groups, new ministries, etc. and get the word out that MLC is real.