I think I posted this in my thread at one point, but would seem to fit here. Not long after the divorce was final, I talked to my CPA to let him know what happened and to get his advice on anything I needed to do financially. He asked me what happened.....and I debated with myself how much to tell him.....but I decided to let him know about the MLC.
He said, well, if it helps, I can tell you that I've had four or five clients go through that, and my brother's wife did as well. He went on to say that, with the exception of one couple, they are all back together. He said the one couple that is not back together has tried a couple of different times, but so far have not been able to pull it back together. I asked him what kind of time frames he saw before the other couples got back together. He said, generally speaking, he saw things take about four years on average.