Trying not to cry for laughing, Ready2... but....
On the topic of shock therapy... my BF's husband has been severely depressed for YEARS.... she has acted out in frustration.... insisting he is a "child, who knowingly and willingly CHOOSES to remain a child... blah, blah, blah..." and rest assured.. I have MUCH sympathy for her... she is FULL of life, and he is a shuffling old while I UNDERSTAND what has happened to him, intellectually.. she cannot imagine being shackled to him for the rest of her life.... I see that she feels no hope... BUT, I wonder if she MIGHT, a little bit... IF, and ONLY IF.... she was able to PRAY for him, without making him the CENTER of her world.. know what I mean??? TO actually want the best for him (she says she does, but I sense FEAR in her of a life being WASTED... I understand.... truly!) without having NEEDS that he has to fulfill.... She has always had a life, and CREATED a full life for herself, very social... and different than his... she OUTGREW HIM...... Okay, so...... this year he was hospitalized for a COMPLETE mental breakdown... had NO idea what age he was.... talked a lot about getting a puppy.....
Long story short..... through therapy....and FOUR ANTI DEPRESSANTS..... his recommendation is SHOCK THERAPY!!! It sounds medieval... but what if you are the spouse who has lived with depresion for YEARS and multiple prescriptions with NO relief??? What are you left with?
I seem to recall that Carrie Fischer had schock therapy..... you could Google it up if you want.....
Bottom line is... this is MENTAL ILLNESS.... hopefully and probably temporary... but it is an illness and not a choice....