It is actually a good thing to face the possibility of him staying in forever. Truly being "As if...". I think when you are able to do that, you give yourself the gift of true independence. BUT, having said that, some important points:
some people come out of it, some people don't.
do. I did. You've seen other examples here, too.

Either way - it's not a quick fix - takes many years.
...and you're already several years in. With some pretty serious touch-and-go's.
That's not to give you
false hope, which I think might be what you're fearing, but I see no reason for you to have regular hope.
This site wouldn't exist if there were no hope, but if you let yourself dwell a little in the idea that he might not come back, mourn that, and be free, you're not actually hurting his process, or slimming his chances. Your hope alone is not sustaining him (I say that because sometimes I think that's what's helping my H).
In August 2011, I called my dad and told him he would be hearing from me when I wanted to speak to him, but otherwise he was to leave me alone. I intended to phase him out of my life from there and seek therapy for all of the problems he had caused in my life. Sound familiar? Prior to all of this, any movement he made to try to "help" me felt like he was trying to kill me. In fact, I actually thought he WAS trying to kill me. By offering me mints! That I thought were poisoned! Quit laughing, I'm serious!
When we had this phone call, he said he just thought I was "lost", but he didn't tell me that. He just said, "Ok, know that I'm always here for you." Then he did what I asked. He knew it could have been permanent (I really haven't talked to my mother in 18 years, but that's a whole other enchilada...), but he also knew from putting up with me the last several years that there was nothing more he could do for me.
I gradually moved closer, pulled back, rinse, repeat, until I really NEEDED HIM. And he was my rock. And he validated. And he waited until I was ready to discuss things (which has been in the last month).
This process does work, I think more often than not. But I know we can't *say* that because what if it doesn't. Like Silmarion said, this is a process that is sincerely for us, too, and you're at the right place with the right therapist who is going to focus on YOUR experience in a way that you as a wonderful caregiver to your kids and your H might not have been allotting time for (and that ain't a judgement - it is obvious that you are just very compassionate and conscientious of your H's state!). Turn that black to sparkly white, and shine. You DESERVE it for all you have done thus far, and the distance you are yet willing to go.