he had mentioned to me and really wanted me to know how he didnt even get embarassed. That was a few months before bd, is this something hes working thru, has anyone else seen similar things?
Yes I have seen similar and had LBS tell me of similar.
My take on the MLCer's new found lack of self-consciousness is this: they have been living with low-grade depression, self-esteem issues most of their lives. They protect themselves with denial and a social mask. They've desperately do not wanted people to see the real, dreadful person they feel themselves to be. Then they arrive at mid-life, the triggers kick in and the depression reaches a peak. They "go over the top" as depicted in graphical form here
http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2011/10/adventures-in-depression.html (I think it was Kikki who first posted this).
The mental chains have come off and they feel a freedom from the persona they felt they used to be. My xW, on one of the few occasions I managed to gain any insight from her, said to me, "I have discovered myself."
Sbreeze1 a female MLCer at Women In Mid Life Crisis wrote
"MLC feels like a new 'clarity', like a veil of self-deception has been lifted - like - WOW - why didn't I realize all of this before!!!! when in fact, it severely impairs our ability to have 'clarity' about what our lives have been and are. It FEELS totally opposite to what it REALLY is, which makes it a very devious and insidious enemy."
So they feel free, no more embarrassment, no more tiresome social awkwardness, but as most of us have witnessed here, the new found "freedom" goes hand in hand with abhorrent behaviour, lies, deceit, adultery and Monster. These are not manifestations of emotional health. Emotional health is quietly confident and benevolent.
At mid life they are now "free" and released from inhibitions, thus they conclude if they hadn't been free until this enlightenment with OM/OW then it must have been the fault of the LBS who must have kept them controlled or constrained, so the LBS gets slammed with all the MLCer's blame and anger.
The MLCer's new found confidence and freedom from embarrassment is not built on a sound foundation and is therefore not likely to last. Eventually the depression will return but be compounded by all the destruction they have caused to family and loved ones along the way.