When might this happen?
Or could H move on through to OW with drawl (if he dumps OW) depression and so on before or if he contacts me?
As each person is different each crisis is different. What one person might do, another one won't do.
Awakening, ending of Replay, OW Withdrawal..the times and when these will happen is unique to each MLC'er, Hurt.
This would be unknown at this time for anyone...he could do either one or all you've mentioned; or he could do neither and become stuck in the tunnel.
It ALL depends upon your husband; nothing you can do or watch for at this time. IF he comes forward or not; will still depend upon him; and what issues he may be facing or not facing.
He must do this on his own.
No one knows what will happen; you can only let go and continue working on yourself; hoping that all will come out all right, and trust in God for what happens next.
I'm not getting anything on your situation at the moment, except to tell you to let go and let God work within the situation.
Even I was uncertain as things progressed along; I had no idea what would happen next, or when it would happen.
I just had to let it happen when it was time for it to happen.
I got instructions at certain times; but only when it was necessary.
Keep your focus on you; and don't worry about what he's doing or not doing at the moment.
Hope this helps.