I know lots of things about the OW - the key ones being that she was a spinster who slept with a married man when she knew he had 2 children.......enough said ......complete affair down who will reap what she sows which is.....currently being married to my exH (who happens to be in the middle of an ugly MLC) who has anger issues, is rubbish with money and Oh did I mention he is a liar who slept with a spinster when he was married and had two awesome kids.
No wanting to sound cynical but it is what it is.
Hah, I love it!
Yes, this is xH's OW, as well.
Technically she's not a spinster as she was married (still is?) but no kids. Seems a lot of the OW never had kids--interesting. Probably a good thing as they are nuts.
Many of the LBSs never had kids, either, but they are not nuts--their H's are.
Lots of nutsos here.
Apparently xH's OW is not insisting on a relationship with my boys and neither is xH; my sons say he NEVER mentions her, has gone to great lengths to hide her. I find this interesting. I do think she is all fantasy for xH and he wants to keep his real life separate from his fantasy life, since his fantasy life makes him look immoral, crazy, etc. He actually carries a bit of respect, though his mask slips from time. Enough people know the truth.
It will be interesting to see if OW puts more pressure on xH when he returns from his 3 week trip away with our son. That could be a game-changer--who knows.
It's possible OW is also in MLC and she has no need or want to be with anyone else's kids.
I do like the advice to be your kids' better option--be the lighthouse for THEM. It can be tough. I know I fall from time to time when I'm feeling insecure or hurt, but I know the right thing to do is to bite my tongue until I can be sweet. My kids know I'm the non-crazy parent. You know, the one who gives good advice because she makes good choices? Yes, I'm THAT one.
To love is to value. Only a rationally selfish man, a man of self-esteem, is capable of love—because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed values. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone. --Ayn Rand