I know that you are living with your husband as he is involved in a PA. How long has the PA been happening? Do you see any cake-eating behaviors going on? I'm just curious because my husbands EA has been going on for 18 months and he was very comfortable living between the two worlds yet continued to taunt me with his leaving in subtle, annoying ways. It got to be too much and it was clear I was becoming the doormat. Boundaries were set, in terms of, as long as he was in contact with other woman he could not be commited to the marriage in the way I needed, things kept get worse and worse. He needed to end contact or leave. I believe he was stuck in a cycle and I took the chance because he is very passive and depressive MLCer and the energy in the home was becoming toxic to everyone. Now I feel like we're at a crucial point to see if he will grasp at Replay to avoid the Liminal fall or if he will slip. Anyway your story interests me because I feel like you are one of the few whose husbands have remained home during the OW affair.