I'm 23 months post BD.
Since H is still living with OW, who moved in with him immediately after BD, he's still in replay.
Definately seeing tunnel movement from him, though. The euphoria of the earliest months is long gone and he has told me if he could go back 4 years (when the affair with OW began) he would not have done it. In the same breath, however, he tells me he won't give her up, that she gives him things he has to have, and that she would die without him.
He says things like, "What am I supposed to do, throw her under the bus?"
We spent several hours together a few days ago and he told me he hadn't realized when he made the decision to leave he'd lose his family.
He told me he expected our D23 to "bond" with him, not with me(!) after he left, and seems genuinely shocked she has distanced herself from him and wants nothing to do with he and OW as a couple.
He emphatically tells me he will never leave OW, that it almost killed him to leave me and that he won't go through that experience of leaving someone again. He tells me because he can't leave OW, he must divorce me and "end this." He also emphatically says that "too much damage has been done, you can never forgive me and neither will your family and friends."
He recently hired an attorney, says he's going to try to get changes made to our settlement agreement signed 20 months ago, and that he will file early next month. He's sure talking a good game.
Whatever will be, will be. "No expectations," right?
M 40 yrs.
BD 1/11
Began living with OW 1/11
Divorce final 8/13
Ex married OW 6/15
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me.