Just my opinion: it sounds MLC to me, but I think the depression is woven into it. My husband comes from a family full of depression, substance abuse, and outright insanity. He was originally diagnosed with and treated for Bipolar Disorder and then downgraded to Generalized Anxiety, but ultimately went off of all of his antidepressent and antipsychotic meds cold turkey and has become somewhat of an alcoholic throughout his crisis. He too suffered from ED issues (low testosterone can be the culprit, but the meds can too - there's a great audio link posted on kikki's latest thread that's an interview with John Gray that goes deeper into that).
I think his suppression of these issues has lead to his crisis, but that the natural process of the "perfect storm" will balance him physically, emotionally, spiritually, and biochemically (if he allows it to). When he was on meds, it helped slow down the super fast thoughts and kept him generally more content. When he got talk therapy, it helped with the emotional issues. When he meditates, he seems more spiritually sound. But none of these things stopped his crisis, even when he was doing them in the prescribed way. There are few of the reconnection stories here that involve any medication or therapy as the root of their healing, so I think it definitely does happen without them.
In my own MLC/MLT, I took a lot of supplements when I started returning to myself. But I don't believe the supplements were the key - I didn't WANT to take them until I had a change in my thinking that once again cared about nurturing and healing myself. I had to get to that point before I could make more positive choices - but that point did come.