I love the car cliche - totally something I thought my H would never do.
He traded in our little Dodge Neon for a big extended cab pickup truck that you need a ladder practically to get in. It costs $75 to fill it up, and even though it is used, he went to wacky car lot for it so he paid new price.
He also has/had (don't know if he still works) a work van - all parked in MIL's busy driveway.
Kept talking motorcycle but never has taken the leap there, probably due to money, but that hasn't stopped anything else. Oh, and leading up to crisis he did the fixed gear bike thing, too, first with the little lycra outfits, then he got into the whole "bike pirate" scene and started wearing cutoffs, and Converse tied to the side to match the kids online.
All of that was to just ride down to the market!
All this while I have no vehicle and toodle around with my dad when I need to hit the stores. For me, MLC has saved me more than Geico on car insurance.