Depressions is mighty. Specially depression which has long therm. For example my W is in MLC since 2007. Being depressed so long time and sinking lower and lower, take look at that spiral in this thread is devastating. She does not remember how it is being normal after so long time into depression !
Let me be honest with You. I sink into depression with her, which is natural. If You live with SO who gradually sink, You going with him down ! It is instinctive. As time pass, You start react on her bad mood with bad mood. Twisted ? Totally. So, as I wrote on several places here, I become zombie in year 2011. When we clash in February this year, I was literally totally broken first time in my life ! Depression was so deep, that I feel how my acting in daily life is not normal. Thanks God, antidepressants kick in and save me. After that I got spiral up !
Imagine how deep MLCer depression is when they become totally unstable ! Use immature defense mechanisms. Regressions and act as people with severe personality disorder.