INNER HEALING, the FINAL stage of the JOURNEY of MLC****I retrieved this from the alt; as I'd written this as the board was in preparation of being moved over to a new server, and so, now, I've moved it all over here with some edits for continuity.****
Ok, you guys and gals, the title of this discourse is "The End of everything; and everything comes to a total End"..a fitting title, I think, because it will describe from the end of the Settling Down Process the final 6 months..and guess what? This is one of my last discourses on the crisis...I have covered the entire crisis from beginning to various puzzle pieces; there's more hindsight that I see; and that's one thing, but I feel the pressure to share what I'm seeing in this last phase lasting 6 months; and that is the ONLY sure time that you will ever see written by me.
All righty then, this is not exactly a formal writing; and there's no real "mystery" about it; but most of you remember what happened when my husband came out of the Settling Down Process in late February of 2011; just before that happened, he withdrew suddenly and completely for two weeks, and during that time he went through a total facing that involved in full all that he had done; my part in it; and the Lord shamed him deeply for how he had treated me; but he also finished healing the wounds of his issues, most especially the deep abiding wound of his final issue; which was his parent's divorce at age 7..
At the end of this; it was suddenly, that he picked up again in contact with me and our son; and our lives began to go forward; and since then, I have seen the steady positive change in him; that has not looked back...and this is good, a blessing, and I had thought, that it was all this would be, thanked the Lord; for His great mercy, and had walked right along; all the while dealing with all of the emotional changes I knew were necessary for him to continue finishing himself.
Little did I know; there's one more step, LOL, and it actually surprised me when the Lord happened along around two weeks ago, and informed me that my husband was within the "final finishing phase" that would last a total of six months; no more, and no less; this particular time having begun right when he had finished his Settling Down Process..and I do remember thinking "Huh?"
He explained that this final phase dealt with 'self healing' of the SELF INFLICTED wounds they inflict within when they turn on their LBS, their children, their families, friends, etc...NOT to be confused with the wounds of their issues which are ALREADY healed; because, these were healed during the Settling Down Process(Unless, of course, any Issues were set aside and these were trying to be bypassed; which brings on other problems, but that's another story)
There ARE differences to the degree of self inflicted wounds; some have minor wounds, some have major, but ALL WILL HEAL....there are NO exceptions, no "carrying out" of anything...this is the ending of ALL endings...nothing more will be required afterward except to live and experience life.
I tried to argue, because I really didn't remember; that I had not faced and done that...He simply said "Yes, you DID;" and then He proceeded to pour the necessary memories back into my mind of both my Settling Down Process, AND this Final Finishing Phase...and I was forced to conclude that I, too, had to gone through that final processing and metamorphosis, ALSO for 6 months, no more, no less.
I had always explained that each time a MLC'er turns on the LBS, family, etc. doing and saying the things they do, did, and say; they DAMAGE THEMSELVES; and though intuitively, I knew it was true; I had NO clue when or how they healed themselves....the Lord would always have me detail healing of the wounds due to the issues within; but I don't recall Him ever having me detail how or when they heal the self inflicted damage they do to THEMSELVES..that was because my own situation had NOT reached that point; and some things I wasn't shown ahead of time; because for one, it was set in stone to happen, and two, there wasn't anything I could have done to bring it on any faster; not that I would have wanted to; but there could be no anticipation; not like there is, now that I KNOW the total end is just a little over a month away; and all I have to do now, is wait and watch for him.

This final phase is after ALL other healing has occurred; and this last and final healing WILL occur; there is NO chance by then, when they have made it that far; that they will run or hide; because by then they will be that well aware of what they must do; and most importantly they will be more than capable of getting it done and walking right across the finish line; coming out of the Chrysalis; CHANGED forever into what they have, and were supposed to become.
The caterpillar FINALLY becomes the BEAUTIFUL butterfly.

You see, it's all in step and finally, I see an order of things in the aspect of the healings that must occur; the issues and wounds associated with the issues must be resolved and healed FIRST during the actual crisis, continuing and finishing that aspect within the Settling Down Process; then comes the process of the Self Inflicted wounds to be healed during Total Inner Healing; and this completes within the six months that follows AFTER the Settling Down Process is finished; after that six month period afterward, the crisis is DONE, finished, NOT confuse these..they are TWO SEPARATE events connected with the crisis...but the total inner healing involves the added component of completing the finishing of them as whole people physically and emotionally; completing the metamorphosis into their becoming that beautiful butterfly...and this is worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes.
It's like a cabinet or a dresser that gets "stripped" down to the wood, sanded, varnished, and the final coat gets put on for a beautiful finish...this takes time, sometimes a lot of it, depending on how many coats of original varnish needs to be stripped off, and the imperfections that need to be filled in and worked think about this, and much work is put in to get the result...this is another way of describing a MLC'er who gets worked over during the crisis..GOD does His part as He should IF you allow Him to; yet, at the same time, YOU get worked on,'s much the same process there, as well.

But once it's all complete, you enjoy the beauty of the finished work for years to come.

Food for thought, and another way of explaining the process of MLC in a nutshell using woodwork for an example.

And for questions I know always comes, LOL..the answer is NO, they do NOT run from this; in fact, they CANNOT and won't even try, and YES, they DO face this in full..and NO, there is NO 4th of July fireworks, and YES, there is a sense of even deeper peace that you'll sense from them as they continue to heal themselves; in fact you'll perceive them growing closer to you as each self inflicted wound within is healed, and yes, it DOES involve FINALLY forgiving themselves..don't ask me how; but the Lord did show me my husband reaching forgiveness of himself which is critical for going into the future WITHOUT guilt or shame.
He says this is true of ALL who reach this FINAL point/ending of the journey...nothing is left within to resolve; ALL is resolved in full within those aspects; there's a true devotion; a true humanity, and a deep and true connection that forges and most of all, they become proper Godly spouses; although still not perfect; but no one ever is, or ever will be.
In further description of what I'm seeing currently as of July 17, 2011:One more thing; I have been instructed to stay open for him; he may or may not talk to me once more; but I don't expect it to happen at all..although I have observed him having a lot of nausea, and restless nights; this is all part of it; as his self inflicted wounds continue to heal within...above all, I've been instructed NOT to push him in any way; and there are aspects I'm beginning to see where I'm NOT to push him at all; and he's really not doing anything wrong.
I just see him distancing some, coming closer, distancing again in various aspects..and some of it is irritating me in some ways that I won't go into here...I think it is in these type of life aspects I'm not to push him; because the Lord wasn't clear in how I was NOT to push him, I think it's more emotionally than physically; nothing bad; but it could breed conflict where it's not important; and cause friction in areas that would take time to smooth across... if I pushed him in certain aspects that are not really that important..anyway, it's personal for me and for him...and between us two old chickens, LOL!!
It's a strange thing to know the straightforward descriptions I spent years writing are done; well, we KNEW an ending had to come, sometime.

I do, indeed have ALL the pieces now, and the picture is crystal clear to me; and I see where one piece has locked into another; creating the big picture I see in front of me...I realize that most of what I've described has been what I've seen personally, but I've found my descriptions has not been that much different from what people saw later as they walked behind me....there HAS been some differences, sure, owing for the differences in people, but the basic concepts of what is supposed to be seen, have NOT been that different.
The Stages themselves were/are actually a template of sorts written as a guide to help, and are seen more clearly by one within the hindsight that kicks in later, rather than foresight; yet, for someone like me, who has been there; one of the ways I could see where most people were and are; was because of having been there; seen many things; but the Lord was instrumental within me, helping me to be able see more clearly as time went on.
Yet, the Lessons written were and are UNIVERSAL, applying to BOTH LBS AND the MLC'er...each INDIVIDUAL person learns the SAME exceptions...and these lessons, like the issues faced by the MLC'er and the LBS during the crisis must be learned in FULL, change must be in complete overhaul in those aspects....some "old" may stay, but it should not be much at all...usually the majority of the "old" must be shed, because it will NOT work in the "new" marriage; conflict will arise; and it should in order to work out the final details of the "new" marriage that comes.
You may reconcile or start over many times during the crisis, and even into the final phases of this..but that's OK, too, because this is where growth, change, becoming is still ongoing, and all is getting rebuilt from ground up..and if the foundation is not right; it gets torn down once again to the bare ground, and started again...I remember that happening several times during this entire time.

In all that I have preached, taught, bulldozed, been flamed for, LOL thing has remained constant; CHANGE WILL COME; like it or not; and you'll need to go right with it; as it's for your own good; NOT for the good of others...YOU, and the people around you, who will benefit from the "new" you; and you'll feel much better because you took the time to just "do it"....
In closing, the road is long and hard, the obstacles seem insurmountable; and the crisis seems like it will last forever; but remember this one thing if you don't remember ANYTHING else; the Lord is there, will always be there; He will help you with all that you need inside and out; and once you learn to connect with Him on this deeper level; you've a great companion, friend, and Father to be with you on your journey to wholeness and healing; so you will be ready when your NEW spouse comes out of the crucible for good.