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Author Topic: Off-Topic Womens Winter Workshop...

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Off-Topic Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#20: November 01, 2013, 03:08:18 AM
Get all the relevant paperwork ie  house/car/buildings insurance documents/ contact nos for electricity board hand. Create a handy folder or list of contact nos. Nothing worse that having to struggle to find the correct info when you're stressed.
Inform your children of where the details can be found if something happens to you ( not drastic but you're ill etc..) so that they can help you.
Check heating oil levels by mid November and see what sales there are in coal/logs etc now if you have a wood burner.
Update or see if AA or RAC or Green Flag will do a deal on updating any current membership service.
Buy plenty of gloves - Tesco/Poundland sells loads at £1 a pair and have them everywhere like car, house, work, spare drawer etc...
Where possible buy freezable goods in bulk or take advantage of BOGOF that you can freeze. Buy also ice packs and keep in freezer so if freezer affected by power cut then ice packs will help keep products frozen a little longer.
If power cut does affect your food then cook it and when power is restored - refreeze it.
If you can UK ladies - check out Cargo Cotton and if you can afford it - buy their boots/wellies (fur lined chunky platform type soles) Absolutely brilliant in all winter weathers.
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BD march 2013
Stay at home MLCer
OW for 3.5 years - finishing Autumn 2016
Reconnection started 2017.
Separated 2022 (my choice because he wanted to live alone) and yet fully reconnected seeing each other often.

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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#21: November 01, 2013, 03:20:10 AM
Get all the relevant paperwork ie  house/car/buildings insurance documents/ contact nos for electricity board hand.

All ideas EXCELLENT! S&D!! As to the above it's a good idea to copy these papers off to keep in more than one place.

And if you don't have a will? (I know sounds extreme doesn't it?)

 You might think about drawing one up or writing one out on paper and keep it in a sealed envelope where someone knows where it is. Have it notarized if possible. I believe if it is left UNSEALED then opened upon your death it is still a legal document.

Or make sure you designate some one to hold your assets in trust for the kids..if an Mlcer gets a hold of it?'ll probably get SOLD!
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.



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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#22: November 01, 2013, 03:23:27 AM
I have also started ensuring that D12 has telephone numbers of important friends who can help in times of a crises - so  for example, one friend who works from home, so if something happens while she's at home before school or whatever, and I am not around she knows she can call on her, etc.

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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#23: November 01, 2013, 03:42:32 AM

If kids are old enough they know who they can call or communicate with that are SAFE!

Back ups are best! You cannot count on MlCER's to be there when you need them.
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.

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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#24: November 01, 2013, 10:00:28 AM
Another good idea that goes along with S&D's post about the power going out.  If you can, keep your gallon milk jugs when you are done with them, make sure to rinse them out really good, wash the caps and let them dry.  Then fill them with tap water up to about an inch from the top, put the caps on and put them in your freezer.  So if the power goes out, you will have gallon jugs of frozen water to use as ice packs for your food, or if you need water, you can boil it and drink it.  I have a freezer in the garage, and I have about 6 gallon jugs in there.  Mr. CT wanted us to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse!  HAHAHAHAHA  Not really, but we used them in the coolers when we would go camping.  Very handy! 

CT   8)
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"I am a woman who only asked that I be treated fairly and with respect."
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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#25: November 04, 2013, 12:05:57 PM
Another Idea I just got from CT thread-

If some of us are coming home to a dark house install plug in timers on the inside of the house to turn on the lights . Outdoor motion sensors aren't a bad idea either. Or timers on those.

Also tiny led flashlights on car key rings can help to find things in the dark. Mace (with or without a man) is a good idea also..but is illegal in NYS.

So wherever it's legal it's a good idea also.

This is kind of old but good advice when crossing a parking lot anytime by yourself. Hold your head up, look around, have your keys out BEFORE you get to the car.
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.



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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#26: November 04, 2013, 04:43:49 PM
Great thread idea!

Btw for those of you needing winter tires: did you know there's a front and a back to 'em?? I didn't. Last year in the haze of mid-MLC my H put them all (his and mine) on backwards. Then he left. I spent the winter vaguely wondering why my car didn't handle well. Folks at the local tire shop laughed so hard when I eventually asked them what the heck was up.

Also for those (like me) who work shifts or get home late: My key bunch holds so many keys. I got into the habit of keeping a safey pin on my front door key, so my hands could find it quickly in the dark.
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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#27: November 04, 2013, 05:39:31 PM
No..I didn't know that about tires but that's a really funny story..I don't care who you are!! ;D ;D ;D
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.

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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#28: November 04, 2013, 06:21:41 PM
Mace (with or without a man) is a good idea also..but is illegal in NYS.
That brought up mean images, which I totally enjoyed.  I envisioned going crazy with bear spray and a big stick, then having to say, "Oooops, sorry H, didn't see you there" ;D ;D ;D 

Last year in the haze of mid-MLC my H put them all (his and mine) on backwards.
Did he at least remember to put all four of them on? ;D ;D ;D

There's a lady who lives nearby, and she drives one of those family vans, and you know how people put a bow or something similar on the antennae to identify their car?  Well, she went for the same effect, but put a bunch of fake flowers on the roof of her car, above the drivers side.  Can you imagine how many people would have waved at her or motioned for her to pull over as she must have "left them" on the top?  I did it once and it was her adult son driving, and and he said it was his moms car, and she did it so she could find it in the parking lot.  Think they were there for years.  Saw the van recently, and they are gone, and she is now down to a bow or flower attached to her antenna. 
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Re: Womens Winter Workshop...
#29: November 04, 2013, 06:29:32 PM
That brought up mean images, which I totally enjoyed.  I envisioned going crazy with bear spray and a big stick, then having to say, "Oooops, sorry H, didn't see you there" ;D ;D ;D 

Well I got a co2 survivor..SURPRISE!
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There are two ways of spreading light:
Be the candle; or the mirror that reflects it

Don't ask why someone is still hurting you; ask why you keep letting them.What you allow continues.

At some point you have to get sick of going through the same sh!t.

Women are NOT rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix ,parent, raise or change him.
You want a partner not a project.


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