I tend to agree with you terrified-in... I realize that the actual crisis was my husbands. Totally his. We all have choices, he could have taken a different route. That being said, I too became complacent, boring, a little resentful too, if I am going to be completely honest. VICTIM mode, big time. You know the scenario, "he got to have a career, while I did labour intense jobs, min. wage, as they fit better into the schedule of mother/employer, role".... "always supported my h, but where was he for me?"
That sort of stuff. I am pretty certain I would never have done one single thing to change the way our lives were, at that time. I felt I had ALREADY tried, he wasn't interested... shrug, shrug.
My feelings about MLC and it being an illness, preventable ... or not, yikes, I fluctuate to this day about that. My h admits, he knew what he was doing. Sorry, but that to me says... "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP doing it?"
Good discussion... hugs Stayed