I actually agree with you about using the term MLC in a sense gives our spouse a "pass", an excuse. It definitely makes it easier to "forgive" them, if you latch onto the belief, that they "cannot help themselves, they have a dis-ease" which is making them behave this way. It is easy though, to accept such a "diagnosis/excuse/ailment" because in most cases the transformation from mild manner reporter to seething, volatile, out of control JOKER, is so immense!
Admittedly, the change didn't happen overnight, although the changes were severe enough that within a few months, you find yourself "walking on eggshells, sneaking peeks at them, when you think they aren't looking"! It's subtle changes, with episodes of disturbing, baffling changes, which become more and more severe the longer the CRISIS goes on.
At least, that's the way my spouses crisis came about. It sort of crept up on us. Although, definitely aware something was happening, unable to put your finger on what it is. Looking back, it becomes excruciatingly clear, typical 20/20 hindsight.
But stayed, you gathered yourself together, and really were given the gift of distance, and "stuff" to deal with that took your mind off of some things, for a bit. I will probably NEVER understand what happened, even your H is still foggy about his fog, and he works at it. I will probably never have the opportunity to understand. I can come terms with it, and heal, but that path is definitely different than the one I would have taken if I let it, in any way be hindered by trying to understand him and his process...
I get your point LisaLives, I was granted and took advantage of the gift of distance and "stuff". Although, just like you, I really do not understand what happened, nor does he. We all have to COME TO TERMS with this thing, whether we remain with them, separate and remain alone, or find a new love. If we want to live whole, happy lives that is.
I do agree with you though, standing does seem to keep us STUCK in Victim mode longer then those that move on. Just plain stuck quite honestly, be it in Victim mode or not, STANDERS do tend to get "stuck" a bit longer. I personally like to call it "standing still", hehehe, not stuck. Letting ourselves adjust, rehabilitate so to speak.
I don't think any of us need to apologize or explain what we choose to do with this time. It is all good in my mind. I am happy you have found a new love, are making a new life for you. At the same time, I am happy when I see somebody like Moving Forward and Musica, have and are moving on with their lives, buying new homes, setting up the building blocks for their new future. I also feel joy when I see reconnection/reconciliation.
Watching an LBS come out of the depths of shock and horror, beginning to work through their ordeal is also very gratifying, heartening. The resilience of human nature, never fails to amaze me actually. I am often surprised that there are as "few" suicides, as there are. It certainly crossed my mind, which is something I have never in my life considered. Indication the shock is pretty devastating.
Good discussion as always. The whole point of this particular thread is to get the LBS to focus on themselves. Your insights into this are much welcomed LisaLives. Thank you.
Hugs Stayed