I never told anybody other then my kids, my mother and my siblings, until just before he returned actually. A friend of ours, dropped dead from a massive heart attack. Horrific experience, 54 years old, had retired from the military a couple of years prior to that, was doing consultancy work and a contract job with the government. His wife had just completed her Teaching Degree. They were really enjoying their life. Their only child was in her 2nd year of University. Big as life type of guy, so much fun, real zest for life. GONE!
My h was here in Luxembourg, so did not attend. I went to the wake, to his funeral and to his huge memorial held for him at the Military hanger. Hundreds of people there. Saw people I hadn't seen in years. This was approximately 9 months after BD.
That was the first time it ever passed my lips. "My husband has left me"! I kept the tears back, somehow! It was awful, most of the people I told simply had no idea what to say. I guess I should have chose a different place to come out about my situation. To their credit, they didn't ask any questions. They expressed their amazement. Not one of them ran away from me... hehehe. I'm sure they desperately wanted to. The floodgates opened up after that.
I was looking at the Stages, could it be part of trying to get past the "denial"? Convincing ourselves that this was INDEED happening?
Hugs Stayed