I guess I just don't see people in denial, I think the disconnect comes from disagreement over the origins and causes. I dislike many classifications of mental disorders, and do NOT think MLC should ever be considered a true disorder--it's a developmental phase, like post-partum depression, or adolescent maladjustment, not a true disorder, like schizophrenia. As a person with ADHD, I also find calling that condition a disorder insulting. There are lots of things I am good at, because of my "disorder" that regular people could never imagine. There are lots of people with severe dyslexia and other processing disorders that go on to do amazing things, despite their "disorder." Most of us have "things" about ourselves that we have to shape our lives around--whether it's overcoming childhood abuse, disordered parents, color-blindness, our own "disorders" or cognitive maladjustments--and most of us do.
I just disagree that MLC is a "disorder." I truly believe MLC is a personality crisis that results in fragile people who, when faced with the tough stuff at midlife, can no longer integrate all the masks and defense mechanisms they have always relied on. And when that happens, their shadow selves, their dark sides refuse to be held down, and they run. And that's it, it's as simple as that. I think "shark eyes" is exactly that--their shadow self, the one they have tried to suppress and bury and the one you never saw before. And I think that's part of the "denial" of MLC--it's the shame of it all. "Too bad for you your spouse was weak." And I really do think it comes down to that. For all the strength, and good stuff any of our spouses had, at midlife, something caused them to break, and they have to deal with it, but they don't WANT to, and that's where all the blame comes it.
And that's why it doesn't matter if it is "recognized." Sure there is depression associated with it, but EVERYONE, at some point in their lives faces situational depression. MOST people pull on their boots and get on with life. Some people do get diagnosed with true "mental health disorders" after an incidence of depression that rocks their world. But I think that is a SMALL percentage of MLCers. Most of them just go bat$h!te crazy because they can. I do think MLC is like addiction or other substance use disorders, which I also do not think are true disorders. I believe most abusers are self-medicating other disorders, so it is a symptom more than a disorder, but to call it a disorder often allows enabling and the same would be true for MLC.
Whether addicted to a drug, a woman, or a dream of a better future, every one of those "disordered" people make choices and I refuse to not hold them accountable for them. I totally ascribe to Alasko's law of personal limitations--"Everyone is always doing as well as they can within their personal limitations, their personal history, what they know and don’t know and what they’re feeling in that moment. If they could make a healthier decision, they would. This includes YOU." But in every action is a choice, and every drug addict and MLCer has moments of clarity where they CAN make different choices and choose not to. If you don't think that is true, how can you ever trust an addict, and at what point are they "recovered," or are they permanently disordered?
And I guess that's the crux of it, for me. I am not willing to give any MLCer an "excuse" for their choices or their behavior, and I am not willing to simply allow an LBS to claim victim to a spouse's disorder. Sure, it's hard, it's scary and it's downright confusing. But no matter what you call it, or how you think it may or may not be caused, or cured, the only thing you CAN do is take care of yourself. The rest is really up to the MLCer, and even if the person can go and get a test and be told their hormones are out of whack and they need to do X, Y, and Z to make it right, they might still choose to look at that hot young secretary and tell you you have no idea what you're talking about--because no medical test is going to force him to face his shame triggers and all the other junk from his childhood, or whatever, that he doesn't want to deal with...
And that's it, if MLC is a disorder, it is a disorder of denial, and that's the problem. My MLCer KNOWS MLC exists, we've talked about it so many times, in so many different people. He knew his very own father had one, but when he found himself in the EXACT same pair of shoes at almost the EXACT same age, somehow he was DIFFERENT...
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...