I feel you are right the courts are heavily weighted to the female. BUT, in a lot of ways you can see how this came about. 9 times out of 10 its the woman's earning that suffers due to child responsibilities and the man continues to earn, continues to have his employers put all their proportion towards his retirement. (Sorry if not like that in the US).
For 10 years i was only able to put a small portion towards my pension fund, my h has it all in his. Why because i was here taking care of my kids. Should i be the one to visit the soup kitchen when i am 75 as my h shops in the supermarket? When it was a JOINT decision that i go part time. Really did we not do this together?
I see that it is not right when someone gets what they DONT deserve, but what about what they DO. The courts need to find the middle ground.
Its the old story that a small proportion of women have paved the way by demanding too much so that we are all tarred with the gold digger brush. I personally would not take what i am not due.
Relax - they have a Karma bus ticket to ride.