- he ..purchased a bottle of Clinique Happy. The smell made my stomach lurch and it didn't seem to have the effect on his mood that he desired.
Priceless, Kikki!!
My MLCer had many physical ailments, both real and I believe imagined, the year or so following BD. I do think it is the stress of the inner turmoil.
Oh my stars and garters, YES!! Hy H has been sick more in the past 6 months than he was in 6 years previous to BD! Now he's getting ulcers...says maybe it's stress. Ummm...ya think?!
Yep. mine too. Headaches, and one day I got an automated message saying scrip is ready to be picked up at pharmacy for H. Right away my mind goes to one of two things: Viagra or antidepressants. So, I rushed down there to see for myself. He had just picked it up minutes before I got there. It was for a headcold. But...having said that, I'm one of those natural people. We never go to the Dr for sniffles and stuff like that. I brew up a concoction or two, and start mass doses of C, etc.
Now that H doesn't have me to do his doctoring, he goes straight to the chemicals.
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I will also add that he looks absolutely terrible. His face is Sooo bloated and pasty with little pink blotches here and there. Like a blowfish. I was telling someone about this, and they said it could be from excessive drinking. (liver shock
Who knows. but, whatever she's feeding him, keep it up - makes me look good.