CK, you have described almost exactly what has been going on in my marriage. H. is still at the stage where he avoids any kind of contact that might lead to 'other things' and if pressured, says that he can't find it in him to be attracted to me anymore. I believe that the physical feeds the psychological and vice versa, it is a vicious circle and that his MLC was triggered in no little way by this. He told me, at bomb drop, that he thought that I had no more interest in him sexually, which I vigorously denied and later wrote a very explicit e-mail about my feelings in that area. I think he needed an excuse for himself. He takes beta-blockers for a chronic cardiomyopathy and also was on anti depressants for some time (not any more), he has reduced the heart medication at his doctor's advice, but that seems to have made no difference (at least between us!) and I think that his heart (physical!) is not really relishing the reduction in the meds. This is a very big part of our marriage and it saddens me that he has to go through this and is not really able to look at it objectively (i.e. investigate more thoroughly the reasons). He refuses to accept that there is something amiss with him, it is ALL my fault.