Slow Fade, Elray, others
Please, read my previous posts about Clinton. There is definitely two sides of everything. But thinking that Trump is just middle of the road Republican is wrong. So far his prounoucements have been nothing but extreme. His world view unfortunantely alligns closely with the extremists who he appoints to his cabinet. In fact, if instead of Trump there was some moderate republican, I would have voted for him against Clinton.
Elray, I agree with LP that the countries that build walls on your list are not exactly beacons of democracy, even EU member Hungary under Orban took a big sharp turn towards totalitarianism, including suppression of free press and political freedoms.
Now I will address checks and balances. Congress should act as one of these checks and balances. We have republican majority in both chambers of Congress. So far what we learned about their agenda is distruction, dismantling, eliminating, repealing, everything that has to do with Obama's legacy. We have Paul Ryan who has had serious doubts for a very long while whether he is going or coming, and we have Mitch, who sounds like demolition machine.
Nothing constructive and inspiring came from that instituion for a long time. We know Paul Ryan's world view, especially concerning economic and fiscal policies and wealth distribution. We know that repealing Dobb-Frank and eliminating Consumer Protection Agency is on agenda. In fact, a day after the election there was a rally on the Wall Street, which bankers are saying was just an appetizer. In not so distant past, we the American tax payers were asked to bail Wall Street out. These regulations and agencies were created to safeguard from future fallouts. We also know that they what they are trying to do with Medicaid and Social Security.
Then we have Supreme Court, which thanks to Republican obstructionsm has only 8 members. I do not think that Trump will uphold Garland's nomination. Instead he will nominate someone even further on conservative scale than Scalia was. There goes another check and balance. He already expressed the desire to overturn Roe v. Wade, and uphold Citizens United.
Saying that we have to trust our future with these "checks and balances" and wait and see what Trump is going to do is wrong. Because, guess what? He is already doing it. If you are ok with white suprematists seating in the White house, people like Giulliani and Sarah Pallin in your Government, swasticas in front of our Churches and in the bathrooms of our Elementary Schools, then more power to you. I am not ok with that and like millions of other people planning to exercise my constitutional right to protest, the same way I did at the wake of Iraq war.
We are left to public, grassroots to keep our Government accountable.