Elegance, i dont want to pick on you but out here it just isn't that simple.
"Why not train for another job?"
What other job? Retraining is a myth for most workers here. When Sunstrand pulled out, 5,000 jobs were lost. Average income of the workers $54,000. 4,862 people signed up for promised retraining. Retraing began 4 months after the plant closed. 300 people were retrained for a year for jobs at the airport. There were only 4 hired as there were only 4 openings. An additional 700 were retrained to work in jobs related to green technology. 0 were hired as the plant never opened. Another 178 were retrained based on their machining skills. In time 175 were hired by small businesses in the area. Average income for these people fell over $26,000 a year after being retrained. Sundstrand then brought 480 jobs back here. 15 of the previous workers were re-hired. The remainder of the jobs were filled by temp workers of which over 100 were illegal aliens. Hourly wage rate at the returned jobs was $9.61 an hour.
Average age of the workers before was 49. Current average age is 23.
Benefit status- pre full benefits. Post- over 79% report are receiving some kind of aid including Obamacare.
So what became of most of the workers?
Some moved away.
Over 27% are still unemployed.
63% are making $20, 000 less than they were 6 years ago.
6% report they are better off than before. Of those 6%, over half were managers and professionals.
Aldi grocery store opened another store here. There were 17 job openings. 516 applicants showed up.
We had a bailiff position open, a single post. We received 1116 applicants.
Just where are these jobs we are supposed to retrain for? Because I can deliver 5,000 people there by noon tomorrow.
if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.
Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall