Keep Believing,
At first we don't care. We don't call, we don't come by, we don't do what we are suppose to do for our spouses or kids. It's the same story "the script". We are too consumed and involved in this new life, new relationship, new freedom, being single, acting even just for hours each day we have no responsibilities. What a thrill! an emotional high we get from for lack of a better word not giving a f$%k.
I did it, and my H did it. Yet there will come a time when this will change. I did it to my H for almost 2.5 years. My H did it to me for close to months and I couldn't handle the pain and hurt from it. We are aware that we are hurting you, but we are not able to understand how great that pain is. How could it be that bad for you when I am so freaking happy right now? That's what we tell ourselves to rationalize what we are doing.
Our brain to some extent allows us to not absorb how devious and hurtful we truly are so that we are able to look in the mirror, get dressed and do it all over again the next day. When we start looking in the mirror not liking what we see, expressing our shame and guilt to you, drinking and drugging everyday that is a coping mechanism. At that point we are 100% totally aware of your level of pain, we are hurting just as much but we don't know how to fix it, where to begin. Life seems to us as if we would rather run off, move far away so we wont hurt you anymore. Some of us would rather just die, as life is just not worth living. We feel like a total failure, a royal f-up.
Despite all that, despite feeling this way there are some who will still day after day, month after month, and year after year continue to do the same thing knowing full well what they are doing. Those are the ones who feel it is too late, they cant come back, life with you will never be the same, you would never truly forgive them, and they are also aware they are in a miserable relationship with OW/OM. They want out, but they have lost you, lost themselves so as messed up as there life is right now that OW/OM is the last person they can go to. The person they gave up everything for, made a fool of themselves for and a mess of their lives so they have got to make this work.
Then, there are some men and women in MLC who felt miserable in the marriage, they cant see how things could change for the better. They made a decision to end the marriage, they are confident and they are not turning back. Even if OW/OM relationship doesn't work out, they still feel they are better off without you. They will try to start a new life, new friends, new career, new home. They are establishing themselves without you. For some it will work and there will be no chance to work things out. For some they will feel confident in the decision to leave but after months, years go by and they are still stuck in the same rut, even worse than before they will change their mind and wonder if it is possible that you are still interested? Do you still care for them? So much time has passed now, there is no more arguing, guilting, pleading, begging and crying from you. You have accepted that the marriage is over and done.
The lurkers sometimes come back even after making things so final such as divorcing you, marrying OW/OM, and having a baby. All of those things happen in real life but that doesn't mean they wont turn back to you. Doesn't mean they wont try in the future to come back. MLC is exploration of things that were, things you wish they were, things that could have been had we made different and other choices. I have said and will always say change your circumstances, change the environment of what was and make it what can be. They have to feel and believe what they have with you is better than what they are pursuing. The fear of losing you has to be greater than the desire to be with OW/OM.
They wont even think about those things until they feel the shift of energy. Until you shift your focus. They are comfortable in the fog. They are neither here nor there. They half exist in the euphorism of the fog. Many of you are too caught up on how could they do this to me. What makes OW/OM so special that they will leave the kids and me behind like yesterday's trash. You would be inflicting pain on yourself thinking this way as nothing about MLC is really about you. Nothing is about OW/OM. That is why for most they get involved with older OW/OM, they are not as attractive, they dont keep their houses clean, they are total opposite of you and usually not in a good way. They dont have much going for themselves and you cant imagine what your spouse found attractive in them.
What they found was someone who was vulnerable and looking for love. Someone who was willing to listen, hang on to every word. Put up with stuff you wouldn't. Stuff you took for granted, neglected, and they made them feel special. My H moved in with a troll. I am not trying to be mean, but she is truly not his type, she is not attractive, doesn't have anything going for herself, and the only thing he can say about her was that she is "nice" to him. My OM was overweight, and younger but not my type at all, but I was attracted to him like a moth to a flame. I fell for him because he was there, attentive, kind, and nice. You just cant understand or underestimate the pull of opposites attracting. We know it wont and cant last usually but we want to enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I wrote a book, even went off topic. I am sorry. I write too much I get going in my thoughts and cant turn them off.