Women and men bond differently because of socialization, not hormones.
Baby boys are born showing more variety of emotion than baby girls. In Ancient Greece, the ideal love was beteeen two men. In many culture outside of the U.S. men can openly hold hands with friends and socialize regularly with other men. If you travel to a country like Italy or Spain and elsewhere men are very affectionate to children and boys, even to strangers. People touch when greeting and regularly socialize with their extended family, if not live with them. In most parts of the world young people live at home with their parents while attending university, meaning the social structure formed in childhood -- family, friends, neighborhood -- remains intact.
Americans often live in geographically isolated ways. Many men have few social or support structures outside of marriage beyond high school, college, and military. I have read that many men become intensely depressed when they return from military service for precisely this reason, loss of social support and camaraderie.
Social support and belonging is a profoundly human need that cannot be assessed by one person, a spouse. In a culture where marriage is often the only social support for men you can see why they would feel betrayed by the marriage once a serious depression hit.