Thundarr, your "vile" comments frighten us. Your "twisted" patriotism, horrifies us. Your "bigoted" conclusions, disgust us. Your "dogmatic" religious beliefs, cause us to doubt your devotion. Your "devotion" to a man who gropes women and raped his wife, grades women's appearance, sexualizes women, stereotypes women, shows us your TRUE thoughts about women and their place in your society. Warns us to be very, very afraid. BUT not of Muslim Terrorist, but of scared white boys like you!
Deeming opposing political views as vile, twisted, and bigoted is exactly what led to this election result and will lead to more.
The center of this country is experiencing a vastly different economic trajectory from the coast.
Those without a college education are competing with migrant labor.
Those with a college education are benefitting from low cost immigrant services.
Throughout our history we have had fluctuating amounts of immigration, but we've always been a country of immigrants. Taking a position of moving it up or down or targeting on group vs another is not a wrong or right, it's a position which generally can be predicted in a voter by seeing how he/she is being directly impacted.
I voted for trump not out of devotion and not because I approved of the mans view of women. I voted what was, IMO, the lesser of two evils. I voted for a reduction in immigration rates, and an enforcement of existing laws, and I voted for a review of free trade policies that haven't really been free, but they have been extremely profitable for the super rich. The rest of his positions were secondary at best.
As to watching friends and "journalist"heads explode, that was simply bonus points for me. I understood the initial shock, as the polls were so wrong, but as time wore on and we heard about fake news, and voter recount challenges, and one excuse after another, it really does become pure entertainment.
I hope the left gets organized and can create a tea party like response. That is good, healthy, and appropriate. I hope the legislative and judicial branches are active and challenging to the executive branch. That is the strength of our system. I hope I never in my lifetime, accuse others of being vile, bigoted, and horrifying simply for supporting a mainstream candidate, because I suspect that comes from a place where I stopped trying to understand, and because I've been treated that way myself here and in other settings in the last 60 days.