Things have been pretty good with us, OW is no more as far as I know and we have just come back from a 2 week holiday and although we have physically reconnected I feel he still hasn't emotionally reconnected with me fully.
And he's not going to, for quite awhile; there is much to work out within himself; and not all of it has to do with you; emotional connection takes awhile; as he continues to work out himself; and the issues that are still apparent within him.
Even though my husband spoke of wanting to be married to me; he still had troubles connecting with me; and I had to be patient with him as he continued to work on himself.
The physical part was easily done; but the emotional part was really hard; there was so much guilt and shame for the damage he'd done; and that caused him to draw away from me, emotionally, many times.
You can't force this connection; he has to initiate it on his own; this is within HIM; has nothing to with you.
I'll tell you something else, as long as he continues to hold on to his 'man cave' he won't ever fully connect with you; something in him still wants to run away.
This will work out as the problems within him and any other problems between the two of you are worked out.
Maybe it is a wall he has built, maybe it is guilt but I feel until he does we cannot fully reconcile as he does not seem to have any empathy with me.
I would like others thoughts on to talk to him about this without turning it into a fight and thoughts on will this return with time or has it possibly gone forever?
You're going to have to be willing to push him and show him what's happened; and don't let up until he truly sees what he's done in the way of damage....I think he's hiding from the damage itself; the guilt is there; and it can become a wall; but you must push through that wall; and confront him at times....Stayed had a way of doing it; she literally went after her husband; and didn't let up.
He's had his time; now, you need yours; he's returned, physical connection has been established; and he's still hiding from his damage.
You may not be able to accomplish all of it; but you'll get enough done to finally get some empathy from him.
My husband tried to set it all aside; but I let him know he had to deal with my feelings on the matter; he had hurt me deeply; and I didn't back down, either; even though he twisted, turned; and tried to run from what he had clearly done to me and the marriage.
He was being arrogant, as I recall, but I took him down quite a few notches; and I saw him cry at one point; the reality of the hurt he'd dealt me, was nearly too much for him to bear....but the confronting is necessary to bring about that empathy within them.
If you don't; the status quo can continue for years, if not the rest of your lives...don't be afraid to push him; if he leaves because he can't take it; that's on him.
Your husband is literally hiding from the damage; and until empathy is triggered in him; he will be unable to emotionally connect; to accomplish one will help to accomplish the other.
It's not a snap 123; and the confrontations that ensue won't fix it all at one time; there are times for patience; but other times for being willing to rock the boat in order to help him come forward; he's still in the tunnel, but he can get stuck there, too.
And you don't want to live this way for the rest of your life; I get the feeling your husband is more than ready for this; but his pride is standing in the way of the connection he could forge with you; IF he would start facing himself many ways, he's still lying to himself; don't let him set this aside; it's a necessary facing for him...and part of reconciling the marriage.
I hope this helps.