Attaching and catching up....
What the heck??? I don't post about things I haven't experienced. So please, until you've walked in my magically vanishing shoes, don't judge the chapter of our thread that you happened to click on... It's a difficult place to be, dumped, alone, broke, homeless, sick, and scared to death of what is coming next..
Some vanishers, like puffy the 5 star flaming marshmellow, chose to completly sneak attack and then vanish.. I hate to assume but I'm pretty sure he loves every second of the memory of the phone call of me screaming, we've been robbed!!!! I'm sure he's delighted by the look on my face when I handed him a plate of pot roast and he slammed divorce papers down on the counter. Papers he'd filed 3 weeks prior.. I haven't made or had pot roast since....
But there again, he may not. He did give his reason for leaving as I slept with the tv on and just didn't understand his porn issues...
I know that he now believes we divorced because we didn't get along... I still laugh at that... I guess that shows what he does remember.. He's still hasn't come clean about the multiple women he was cheating with... Vanishers can't have a true conversation, they have to run because the truth will catch up to them and they can no longer handle the look on your face, when they destroy you. It's a curse and a gift - once the truth behind his vanishing act became public knowledge, I couldn't stand any longer. When everything within me broke, all at the same time, I laid it down and walked away. Hardest decision ever but I knew it was the right thing to do for me and my son. What I thought was going to kill me ended up being the greatest blessing!!!!
Almost four years without the craziness of my former life, three since Independence Day!!!!