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Author Topic: Off-Topic Full Moon Alert IV

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Off-Topic Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#90: October 22, 2018, 02:12:42 PM
Thanks, Ursa.

First text is quite interesting. I have been very quiet of late. Aside from vivid dreams. Really vivid dreams. Like several different ones each night. Some include Mr J - in the future, other do not.

No idea what the dreams are about. I wake up tired, like if I had been travelling the world by foot.

Something seems to be changing, but I do not know what.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#91: October 23, 2018, 11:46:06 PM
Thanks UM, xH is a Taurean, and he has just moved in with the ow, so let's hope there is a very large 'storm' which hits hime and the ow into another realm ;D
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#92: October 24, 2018, 01:40:42 PM
The real McCoy...  Hold on to your hat. It could be a wild ride....

Tonight is the Full Blood Moon. The Moon won't actually be blood red it is so named because the time between now and Samhain/Halloween was called the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. People would use the brightness of this Full Moon to go hunting and gather meat for their families and preserve it in salt. So it became known as the Blood Moon, it is also called The Hunter's Moon, The Shedding Moon or The Falling Leaf Moon.

We are on the threshold of crossing a line that will allow us to learn things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, we will be able to recognise signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. October is a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm is thin.

This will be an emotional Full Moon, we will be feeling ultra sensitive at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions pulling us in different directions, we may feel happy and laughing one minute then teary and sad the next. You may have difficulty sleeping and when we do we may experience wild and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Blood Moon.

If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a rapid change. Tonight's Full Moon is in the earth sign of Taurus pushing us into a new direction. The universe is giving us so many gifts and chances right now, don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. The Taurus Full Moon is about new starts, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.

So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light now and shining so brightly that we cannot ignore it any longer. This Full Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. In life we can often see illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away now so we can rebuild on what is real and true.

The Taurus Full Moon is a time of healing and cleansing, of getting rid of our negative junk and moving ourselves into a new and positive direction, look at all the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. It's time to take a deep look within ourselves and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans for the future.

Tonight's Full Moon will be spiritual and passionate as we can feel the transition of the earth as we head into winter, yet we will feel a tranquil quality that can bring a new wave of calm and peace with it. The gentle dusting of energy bought by this Full Moon will allow us all to restore and recharge our batteries and perhaps even feel more comfortable with our situation and where we are at, we will see with clear clarity what we need to do to heal and grow. Let the earth element of Taurus take away negative and destructive energy and cleanse you. Now is the time to get in touch with our passions and desires and work on making them a reality.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#93: October 24, 2018, 02:50:04 PM
Thank you, Ursa.

This full moon is proving interesting.  ;) ;D
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#94: October 24, 2018, 03:14:55 PM
Thanks UM:

I've always been skeptical, but you've piqued my curiosity and I can't wait to see what this Full Taurus moon will bring as far as healing and planning.

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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#95: November 06, 2018, 10:40:27 AM
Tonight is the New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. It is time to shed our old skin, release what is dying and let go of what is not working for us. Scorpio is about death and rebirth. This is a cycle of completions and new beginnings. We are being called to trust our deepest instincts and follow where they are taking us.

Scorpios New Moon is all about change, just like a scorpion shedding it's skin we will feel the need to get rid of any negative attachments holding us down and stopping us from moving forward. This New Moon is about sweeping your life clean of negative clutter. Our belief systems can crumble, routines and relationships may breakdown, structures that you have built up are challenged, things that you may have thought were reliable and dependable can come to an end, then new doors open and new chapters begin, you will be ushered into a new phase of your life.

Create the space for positive energy to enter your life. What is not working this New Moon will be highlighted. You will see new pathways and options opening for you. You can become who you truly want to be, rather than who you think you are supposed to be, this is the true meaning of transformation. Don't be afraid to look deep into yourself and ask serious questions, explore both your dark and light side, as we embrace our own darkness we become whole. We are all made of dark and light the trick is not to let one take over the other, to embrace them both equally as both are equally important, without darkness there is no light, without light there is no darkness. We acknowledge the truth of who we are, which will help us see the truth of others.

Scorpio’s strength is that it isn't afraid of the dark and so when the Moon is in Scorpio it is a perfect time to look at our shadows and see what we've been in fear of, what we have been suppressing and repressing and then dealing with it. When we face our inner demons and fears they aren't as scary as we once thought they were. Scorpio is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves, we will have a great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase.

Let us use these rare insights the Scorpio New Moon will bring to fuel our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, to allow us to see the big picture of what is occurring in our lives, so that we can easily navigate the changing tides. Scorpio holds the power of the water element, this will have our emotions on high alert, let your raw emotions come to the surface this will allow you to heal both mentally and physically.

Things are shifting now. Let’s move in a new and positive direction. The future is knocking at your door and is ready to take you on a new and exciting journey if you let it.

The New Moon in Scorpio is sure to leave its extreme emotional mark upon us. It almost dares each of us to go into the unknown and expose new parts of the self which are waiting in the wings to be discovered. Let the waters of Scorpio wash over you and cleanse and heal you. Get to know yourself again and figure out what you really want.

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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#96: November 06, 2018, 11:50:03 AM
Thanks for the words, Ursa.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#97: November 06, 2018, 11:52:51 AM
Thanks for the words, Ursa.

Another one that could be a wild ride..... especially the parts about facing our fears and exploring both the light and dark sides of ourselves.... People normally tend to shy away from looking at the dark sides of themselves....
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Me - 61, xW - 54
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#98: November 06, 2018, 11:57:51 AM
Another one that could be a wild ride..... especially the parts about facing our fears and exploring both the light and dark sides of ourselves.... People normally tend to shy away from looking at the dark sides of themselves....

It could.

But, for now, I am more on this:

"We are being called to trust our deepest instincts and follow where they are taking us." My instincts are taking me home, saying, Winter is Coming, stay in, read, think, sleep. All very home oriented.

Maybe they are wrong and I should be going wild and out and about...  ::)

Time to Champions League, F.C. Porto is playing Lokomotiv Moscow. We won there, lets see what happens today.
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Re: Full Moon Alert IV
#99: November 06, 2018, 12:00:09 PM
Another one that could be a wild ride..... especially the parts about facing our fears and exploring both the light and dark sides of ourselves.... People normally tend to shy away from looking at the dark sides of themselves....

It could.

But, for now, I am more on this:

"We are being called to trust our deepest instincts and follow where they are taking us." My instincts are taking me home, saying, Winter is Coming, stay in, read, think, sleep. All very home oriented.

Maybe they are wrong and I should be going wild and out and about...  ::)

Time to Champions League, F.C. Porto is playing Lokomotiv Moscow. We won there, lets see what happens today.

Very well could be.... I think I'd prefer your focus... <grin>
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Me - 61, xW - 54
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