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Author Topic: My Story Onward and Upward is better than Rinse and Repeat!

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UM:   I couldn't have said it better myself!  LOL!


I left off with H going on vacation to visit OW2, not to the cabin as were his original plans.

He was gone for the week and I had a week of peace.  I knew he would not be sneaking to the house or calling or texting.  I had written him off and it was a good recharge for me.

I had a great week at work with lots to keep me and the staff busy.  I got good news at PT that I could "PRACTICE" pickleball but not be competitive and aggressive in going after the ball.

I chose to go away for a day by myself and enjoyed the peace and quiet.  I renewed my motorcycle license and the weather had turned to the better so I got the scooter out and can legally ride it now.  Best of all, I got some indepth cleaning at the house down.  Getting some of my area organized and clean can be self care.  It makes me feel better in the moment but also makes my life better in the long run.  So utility closet cleaned, carport better organized and some winter clothes to storage.

H did leave me alone until Sunday.  Then I got the obligatory Happy Mothers Day followed up with BTW, your mower is done and I'll try to pick it up tomorrow.   I ignored for a while....then finally replied   TY....OK

Normally I go home for lunch and to let the dogs out.  I don't go when I know for sure that H will be there.  Like days he tells me he is mowing.   

Yesterday I go home at lunch and my truck was moved.  I surmised that H was by to get the trailer to get my mower.  The trailer was there so I figured he had gone and picked it up.  I went about my business and back to work I go.

Several hours later H texts to see if I paid for the mower.  Told him I did and I was concerned that he paid for it when he got it and there was a lack of communication at the repair shop.  H followed up with....K....I am on my way to get your mower now.  This is nearly 3 pm.  In my mind, I can't figure out why he was buy the house before noon....moved my truck but didn't do anything else.  Oh well.  Whatever....he is MLC nutty and hard to tell what he was doing.  He may have forgotten why he was even there.

I do some quick calculations and I figure he will have the mower picked up and dropped off and he will be gone from home before I get there after work.   Boy was I wrong.

Instead of coming straight home so he could avoid me, he chose to mow his parents grass, then fill the gas in the mower then drop it off.  I get home to him putting my mower away and pulling his out.  I went into the house as if he wasn't there.

He mowed my front yard, then stepped into the house, but only one step into the back door.  He wouldn't venture any further.  I nearly LOLd. 

Told me my mower was working good.  It was muddy because he got into the lower yard at his parents where it was mucky from the recent rain.  He then went on to tell me that I should go ahead and mow the back half of the yard as it needed done. 

I informed him that I had plans and it wouldn't be done tonight.   He said....Oh, well, I'll probably get to it later in the week.

He then took his mower and his trailer and said he had to go mow my parents yard and off he went.

I really could have done without the visit yesterday.  Especially knowing he just spent the week with OW2.  He chose not to take my daughter hunting yesterday am as originally promised and he chose not to go and see the grandkids last night as he has been doing the last few weeks.  He also advised me he is not going to take off to go to a memorial on Saturday for a friend and when son comes in to visit next Friday, he will stop by to see him if he is back from work early enough.  WTF

He is going backwards again.  It is ok with me because I am going forward.

I make mention of his shenanigans hoping it will help others.....but my sad reality is that his crap is annoying but it no longer hurts.   I am still watching the chaos in the snow globe and thankful I am not inside....just observing from outside.

Rinse and report for him....onward and upward for me!   Here we go!
  • Logged
10.29.17 BD-Moved out to OW/A began in  6.17
3.5.18 OW moved away/H moved in with F
3.19.18  H moved home
7.14.18  Moved to be with OW
9.4.18  Moved back-At Parents 
11.1.18  OW back.  H living w/her in D's basement 
11.18 - H started visiting on holidays
11.26.18 Call from H.  BIL died suddenly.
1.19 - H announced  that he moved to sisters
2.19  H volunteers to house and dog sit whenever.
Spring 19  H visiting house and doing chores on a regular basis
7.20 OW2 Confirmed  5 hrs away 
Summer of 2020 Less help with chores
Early Spring 2021 - helping with chores again then stopped and is getting more distant gradually
9/21 distancing growing worse...hardly see or hear from H
4/22 getting in touch more but sporadically

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  • You can't please everyone. You are NOT a pizza!

No words needed....
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Me - 60, xW - 54
Together 19 years - Married 17 at separation & 21 at D-Day
S - 16, D - 12
1 Dog
BD#1 - August 2015
Atomic BD - 13 Dec 2015
House sold & separated - Mar 2016
Divorce final 30 August 2019
Moved on in life

Survival Instructions for Newbies
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A "friend" will not "stand by you" no matter what you do. That is NOT a friend. That is an enabler. That is an accomplice.
A REAL friend will sit you down and tell you to your face to stop being a firetrucking idiot before you ruin your life and the lives of those around you.

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Wow, he’s a here today gone tomorrow kind of MLCer isn’t he. He never stays with any decisions for to long. I’m amazed at his moving constantly.
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There is almost something harder about someone being alive and having to lose what you believed to be true of them than someone actually dying.

Indefatigability - determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose
perspicacity- a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight

Married July 1991
Jan 2018 BD1 moved out I filed for Div/ H stopped it
Oct 2018 moved back
Oct 2020 BD2
Feb 2021 Div-29 1/2 years
July 2021 Married OW
Feb 2022  XH fired
May 2023 went NC after telling XH we could not be friends
Aug 2023 XH moves w/o OWife

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UM....Too funny!  He is spinning and as sad as it is to sit back and watch, it is what I have to do for me. 

Mad Luv....For nearly a year, he was distant and keeping it that way.  It was getting worse each month it seemed....until recently.  Who knows what is gonng be next....just sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show from afar.


H continues to spin like a crazed gorilla!

I left off the saga last week with H coming back from a vacay to touch base.  He then disappeared again and that lasted 4 days.

He popped up Saturday with a call.  He reported to me that son was on his way home for the Memorial Service of his best friends father.  He went on to tell me that he wanted to call son but didn't have a reason so he fabricated a reason.

His reason.....hey, while your packing, can you keep an eye out for my pickleball paddle?   

To me...I am thinking this is your son.  You don't need a reason to call.  Call just to say are you...hope your well, how is your day.   I was flabbergasted that he thought he needed a reason to call him.

I have had long term suspicions that he only reaches out to D and myself only if he has a reason.  I also felt at times they were fabricated.   Now he confirmed it.  This day, he was only able to call me because he had a reason to tell me about son.  DIL was gonna call me to tell me they were on their way and H said he would do it.

Most calls from H have always started off that he was calling for a specific thing....either he just talked to S or he was following up on something.  H just can call to say are you....nope....he always starts off with a specific reason for calling.

So we all meet up and go to the Memorial.  When we get there, we are waiting for son on the porch and a few of son's old teammates approach.  I start talking to them and addressing them by name.  They were shocked I remembered them.  While were talking....they look behind me and say is that H?  They said it with a lot of shock.  He had been standing in the background for about 10 mins and didn't bother to talk to these "kids" he used to coach.  They saw him too but didn't recognize him at all.  Later on inside, h was standing beside S.  Someone H coached with walked up to S and said...hey...when is your Dad comiing?    S looked at him and said he is here.  Coach said yeah?  I didn't see him.  S pointed beside him and said he is standing right here.   Two feet apart and coach didn't recognize him.    Not only did they not recognize him, but he hung back and didn't attempt to socialize with them.   H was always outgoing.  The old H would have been off the porch greeting them and shaking hands.   It was a strange site to watch him not interact unless spoken to. 

I get this.  H looks really horrible.  H used to have a very neat appearance.  Short well manicured hair.  Neatly trimmed beard and trendy glasses when he wore them.   Now H has not cut his hair since October and it is naturally wavey and very unkempt.  Imagine grandpa munster style of hair.  Partly sliced back and part sticking straight out near the ears.   The goat is is not well trimmed and getting long and he has so much grey.  Not to mention his eyes don't twinkle.  He can't smile and he looks tired all the time.  Puffy features too even though he lost weight again.  H played it off well.

When I was getting ready to leave....H says I'll be over tomorrow to mow and weedwhip.   Told him ok.  I was doing some of the weeding by hand.  He got stern and have to be patient with me.  I told you I would do it (yeah....2 weeks ago before visit to ow2).  I nicely said....I left most of it for you...I am only worrying about the area where the plants are and there is no way to use the trimmer without taking out my plants.  He immediatly calmed and said.  Ok.  I'll take care of the rest.  I am going to mow too.  I plan on doing all my mowing tomorrow.  I said ok...I can get my lawn done to save you some time.  He am planning on doing it.

Keep in mind, that one of my control issues is to let H get things done that he wants to do on his own time....not my schedule.  It is not always easy, but when he says I got it, I let it go and don't attempt it.  Sometimes it takes day...other times it is weeks.  As long as there is not a deadline (like a bill), I let it go and say nothing.  Not a reminder or even a hint to get the stuff done. So there was no pressure from me to get anything done

The next day he shows up and week whips about half the yard.   He got the front that is most visible so I am happy.  I went inside while he was working.  He comes to the back door, takes one step inside and starts yelling to converse with me.  I am around the corner in another room.  I told him to come in and talk if he wants.  He did.  This is a recent development with him where he only takes 1 steps inside the back door.  Weird.

Anyhow, he comes in and actually sits down.  Starts off by asking me why people don't recognize him.  He said do I look that bad or is it just my hair.   I politely said that the kids he coached has a frozen image of him in their mind.  They have not seen him for 10 plus years so they remember the ways he used to look.  Neat and trim.  The goat and the long hair and the grey probably threw them off.

He then said....your mowing your own grass right?  I am gonna take off and go mow the other yards then I'll be back.  Said yes I'll mow it.  Then I get, if you don't want to, you don't have to.  I'll take care of it when I am done with the others or I'll come back tomorrow to get it.  Told him I had it, not to worry.

He leaves...I start to mow.  He comes back 2 hours later.  I have about 10 minutes left and he offered to finish.  I let him.  He walked around the yard and told me things he wanted to get done the next time he comes to weedwhip and then he said how tired he was and he was off.  He was beat because he played pb for 2 hours in the am before doing all the mowing (which is on a riding mower).


Today I run into him at the voting poles.  He tells me he didn't play pb yesterday morning because he was too tired and couldn't get motivated to do anything.  He finally laid down for a nap after lunch and slept until 430.  Then he felt good so he went to play pb last night.  He thought he saw me driving around...then told him wasn't me.  I was somewhere else.  Then off he went.  Maybe to play pb.  Maybe not.  He didn't know what he was feeling yet.   I can tell you he wasn't dressed to play pb.  Oh well.

He really is going all over the place.  Sometimes I feel like he is pushing me to say/do things.  Like with the lawn mowing.  He committing then backing out but then saying he can do it.   I am not going to argue.  He said for me to get it I did.  I didn't throw it in his face that less than 24 hours ago, he told me something else.  I am just going with the flow.  This type of thing seems to happen more least for now.
  • Logged
10.29.17 BD-Moved out to OW/A began in  6.17
3.5.18 OW moved away/H moved in with F
3.19.18  H moved home
7.14.18  Moved to be with OW
9.4.18  Moved back-At Parents 
11.1.18  OW back.  H living w/her in D's basement 
11.18 - H started visiting on holidays
11.26.18 Call from H.  BIL died suddenly.
1.19 - H announced  that he moved to sisters
2.19  H volunteers to house and dog sit whenever.
Spring 19  H visiting house and doing chores on a regular basis
7.20 OW2 Confirmed  5 hrs away 
Summer of 2020 Less help with chores
Early Spring 2021 - helping with chores again then stopped and is getting more distant gradually
9/21 distancing growing worse...hardly see or hear from H
4/22 getting in touch more but sporadically

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  • You can't please everyone. You are NOT a pizza!

and the appropriate musical accompaniment
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Me - 60, xW - 54
Together 19 years - Married 17 at separation & 21 at D-Day
S - 16, D - 12
1 Dog
BD#1 - August 2015
Atomic BD - 13 Dec 2015
House sold & separated - Mar 2016
Divorce final 30 August 2019
Moved on in life

Survival Instructions for Newbies
Site Map
A "friend" will not "stand by you" no matter what you do. That is NOT a friend. That is an enabler. That is an accomplice.
A REAL friend will sit you down and tell you to your face to stop being a firetrucking idiot before you ruin your life and the lives of those around you.

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I was thinking this… as well…
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Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of stops and starts. They're ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable and we have to face them. That's what being human is all about.  -Jet Black, Cowboy Bebop

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I get dizzy just reading your MLC and spin and spin and really like mine not committing to anything or anyone but they just cannot let us go either....bless your heart for your grace and kindness in dealing with him and still seeming to be so positive at the same time.
And all that for going on 5 years - crazy
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Me 53
H 51
AD 22 from previous R
Known H since 1993
Together since 2000
BD 06/21/2017
OW High School Sweetheart lives 4 hrs away

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bless your heart for your grace and kindness in dealing with him and still seeming to be so positive at the same time.

I agree Sam!
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Survival Instructions for Newbies

The Apology Every LBS Deserves

My Journey

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - it's about learning to dance in the rain."

"Don't become a container for bitterness.  It's a toxin that destroys what it's carried in."

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66 - So nice to hear from you!  Hope you are well!

He could make me dizzy too....if I jumped on his crazy MLC ride!  I refuse to do it.  I just sit back in my Lazy Boy and observe when I am able.  That is good enough for me.

I agree that he is not committing to anyone but himself right now.  Time will tell what he does. 

I am glad you can see positivity in my posts.  They are just my ramblings.  My way to remember because as time passes...things become a blurr.  Occassionally I look back at earlier posts and say WOW....I was broken then  Now I am repaired and happy and joyful to have the life that I have.  His loss!


Faith:  I just read your seem well!   Thank you for your kind words.  Truth is....I decided sometime ago that I was not going to let this break me.  I can show grace and kindness because everyone deserves that!

I can be positive because I still want to live life to the fullest!  I prefer to smile and laugh over frown and cry.

I find the positives in life because it fees so much better than the negatives.  It is all my choice and I choose joy and happiness vs wallowing in what I can't control!

I didn't get her all at one.  It took grit and determination.  Everyone has it in them!
  • Logged
10.29.17 BD-Moved out to OW/A began in  6.17
3.5.18 OW moved away/H moved in with F
3.19.18  H moved home
7.14.18  Moved to be with OW
9.4.18  Moved back-At Parents 
11.1.18  OW back.  H living w/her in D's basement 
11.18 - H started visiting on holidays
11.26.18 Call from H.  BIL died suddenly.
1.19 - H announced  that he moved to sisters
2.19  H volunteers to house and dog sit whenever.
Spring 19  H visiting house and doing chores on a regular basis
7.20 OW2 Confirmed  5 hrs away 
Summer of 2020 Less help with chores
Early Spring 2021 - helping with chores again then stopped and is getting more distant gradually
9/21 distancing growing worse...hardly see or hear from H
4/22 getting in touch more but sporadically

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MLC Update:

He has been on a crazy spin the last few weeks.  There continues to be more contact but there is still no substance to it. 

Things he has said or done recently:

- Is finding reasons to get in touch, either via phone or in person then disappears the next day.  Rinse and repeat the last 2 weeks.  On one the next!  This is a total turn around from last year when he started distancing.  He eventually got to the point where he was not in contact for at least 75% of the month or more and then it was only business.
-Sent a text on Memorial Day that he probably wouldn't be available to help with Pickleball but then told me he sat around and did nothing all day. 
- H agreed to help me get our 100 lb dog to the vet due to an injury.  I couldn't lift him myself.  Then he called to say he would take him and I didn't need to go and he would also pay for the vet visit since the dog is his too.  My jaw dropped on this!  Usually he wants reimburse half!
- I referred to my home as my house during a convo....he said to me....The House.
- Told me he was upset with DIL and didn't like the possibility that she was going to put him out.  Then said I mean put US out.  What she was doing had nothing to do with me.
- Is complaining about things to me, then saying that it is ok....he was glad to help out this time.
- Is asking me to reach out to my parents for him.  I decline.  I tell him to get in touch with them.
- Has told me he is tired of cutting grass for people.  Said he is done with all but his own grass after his parents are gone.  Would still do my parents until they are either gone or sell the property but that is all.  I know he is mowing at least 4 yards right now.  OW 1, OW 2's parents, his parents and my parents properties.  He occassionally stores his mower at the ow1 house. (I know this because my daughter has seen it there) Other times it is at my parents house.  He flips it back and forth.
- He came by to weed whip and mow.  I already had the mowing done so he weed whipped and then came in to the house.  He stayed in the kitchen near the back door but didn't enjoy chips and dip that I had out for myself.  I don't mind sharing.  He actually stayed about 30 mins.  Usually he gets the jitters after about 5 mins.

All this contact is still very weird after a year of very little contact.   I have learned to not volunteer info.  Most of the time he doesn't ask.   I don't ask questions and don't expect any answers.  He will sometimes tell me what he is up to.  He will share his work schedule or he will tell me what he did that day or where he was but that is little and far between.  Nothing near pre MLC normal when we could talk about anything.

I don't tell him anything about me.  If I do, he seems to get bored and change the topic back to him so why bother.
  • Logged
10.29.17 BD-Moved out to OW/A began in  6.17
3.5.18 OW moved away/H moved in with F
3.19.18  H moved home
7.14.18  Moved to be with OW
9.4.18  Moved back-At Parents 
11.1.18  OW back.  H living w/her in D's basement 
11.18 - H started visiting on holidays
11.26.18 Call from H.  BIL died suddenly.
1.19 - H announced  that he moved to sisters
2.19  H volunteers to house and dog sit whenever.
Spring 19  H visiting house and doing chores on a regular basis
7.20 OW2 Confirmed  5 hrs away 
Summer of 2020 Less help with chores
Early Spring 2021 - helping with chores again then stopped and is getting more distant gradually
9/21 distancing growing worse...hardly see or hear from H
4/22 getting in touch more but sporadically


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