There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to what a woman or a man is looking for in a relationship. Some women like men who may be described as more "Alpha," others like the "Betas." Some men prefer women who are meek and subservient, and others prefer assertive, "take charge" women. Some people prefer tall, some prefer short. Some prefer a slender frame, others like women with curves and men with a bit more meat on their bones. To each their own.
It seems what most people hope for in a love relationship cannot be reduced to Alpha or Beta, but looks more like: mutual respect, intelligence, humor, fun, a healthy sex life, an equal power balance and sharing of responsibilities, shared or compatible interests and values, good two-way communication, honesty, loyalty, commitment, a dash of romance and spontaneity, validation, compassion, commitment and a mature, lasting love.
P.S. The cruel remark your wife made about you expressing emotions only illustrates the dark miserable place she was in, not a fault in your actions. Pretty much all MLCErs do this to the LBS and/or the children. I've received my share and they do hurt, but don't hold onto that incident, Thundarr. It will only weigh you down.