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Author Topic: Discussion Signs your spouse is in MLC - What classifies as a MLC

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Discussion Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#170: December 16, 2013, 03:38:25 AM
AXE is LYNX for us, TT.

Cheap stuff, like our MLCers  ;)

They probably believe the ads and that the deodorant will have women running after them like they are the last man on earth hehehehe.

But it could also be to cover the rancid smell of the sweat emanating  from their body due to hormonal changes. YUKKY STUFF!
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'Nothing worth having comes easy'
BD oct 1st 2012. 2 teens- 2 Dogs. Together 16 years, not married. No OW in sight. Foo issues a go-go.

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Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#171: December 16, 2013, 04:16:57 AM
Drinks to avoid feeling anything
Pre-bday, says he has no identity
Night sweats
Obsession with his body
Obsession with "clean" foods, various chemicals to enhance muscle growth
Boasting, bragging
Spending money on things without talking to me, eg two racehorses
Obsessed about his health
Mood swings! Dreadful dark moods, don't miss those!
Negative towards himself
Obsessed about money
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Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#172: December 16, 2013, 04:22:39 AM
Drinks to avoid feeling anything
Pre-bday, says he has no identity
Night sweats
Obsession with his body
Obsession with "clean" foods, various chemicals to enhance muscle growth
Boasting, bragging
Spending money on things without talking to me, eg two racehorses
Obsessed about his health
Mood swings! Dreadful dark moods, don't miss those!
Negative towards himself
Obsessed about money


Yup, got all those, too.
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'Nothing worth having comes easy'
BD oct 1st 2012. 2 teens- 2 Dogs. Together 16 years, not married. No OW in sight. Foo issues a go-go.

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Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#173: December 16, 2013, 07:07:58 AM
I'm surprised at all of the MLCers that were obsessed with money. My W became obsessed about money and the lack of it. So, moving into a high end apartment is going to solve all of our money problems right? ??? Any way, it is somehow a little reassuring that it is common in MLC. Oh, and spending lots of money we don't have on new clothes for yourself and not for the kids will help too.
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« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 06:16:00 PM by Anjae »

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Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#174: December 16, 2013, 08:22:00 AM
Got this one too.  This whole thing came about in part b/c of money problems yet H will be renting an apartment in one of the most desirable areas of the city while we are stashed out in the country in an area we all hate.  Guess that was one way for him to get out, at least.
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Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#175: December 16, 2013, 11:02:12 AM
There's that 180 change in personality - my H too went to an apartment in the inner city, and we were just out in the country.  Also outside our budget.
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Re: Re: Signs your spouse is in MLC
#176: December 16, 2013, 12:03:13 PM
Yes my h did exactly the same. Been desperate to get out of the city since son was born nine years ago. We get out here, and now he lives in almost exactly the same place he desperately wanted to leave. Sheesh you just can't make this $hit up. Totally galling.

new thread:
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« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 06:36:32 PM by Anjae »


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