SS, I am going to answer you straight on as I just found this thread on a morning in which I am stuck somewhere in the emotional version of the Mariana Trench.
H and I both are religious. His family and upbringing were very old-school and formal religious with all expected guilt and judgment features. Mine was ultimately more cavalier (good and bad) but I have an easy and loving relationship with our God. And I trust Him. H does not and has had negative experiences and expectations from faith community, most specifically in family of origin but also in all the years of schooling. I am the only person in my family of origin who still practices our family faith.
I prayed headlong and heartfully for our marriage and family for years, and especially when MLC began. I have been answered many times by living examples of either exactly what I asked, or by living symbols or natural occurrences that pertained to the prayer or to specific Scripture or Psalms. Many times have I cried out in tears or on paper in terrible anguish, only to be met sometimes almost instantly by a living bird that comes unnaturally close for a long gentle look, or a telephone call from exactly the right person at exactly the right time.
Once, MLC h berated me over the phone about not filing for unemployment. I had been sick and bedridden for an unusual length of time and the state unemployment system honestly was down each time I was up enough to sit at the computer and file. I told h that right now nothing was as simple as he thought it should be. He yelled that it was, and that he had done it himself and knew it.
I hung up the phone shuddering and blasted. It rang again instantly. I thought it was him calling me back. I answered and instead it was a recruiter calling for a contract, a well known global client needed my especial skills and they wanted to see me as soon as I could be at their offices. The site is walking distance from my house. I was hired immediately. So there was no reason to file for unemployment at all, and no reason for h to yell at me the way he did.
I don’t know who prayed that prayer but it was an absolute blessing to see it answered exactly that way.
Another example: I’ve really been in it today, since well before the sun came up. It’s in my thread and by the way thank you again for your kind comment there a few days ago when I first posted. This morning I’ve cried and written here for hours, cried and written equally long content to my sister, cried again and just thought, what am I even doing? How am I taking this trip next month on those two days of all days? And a brother in Christ on the other side of the country phoned in and just said, “Hello terra, how you doin’ there, kid?” as though he’d heard or read or felt every word. And he’s one of us, if he were here I’m sure his story would be now in the light purple or fully purple pages. So there is something to it — our prayers are definitely heard, and sometimes the answers are wildly immediate. For me, the immediate answers always come with very obvious signature of God, of Christ, of the faith entity you’ve prayed to. I trust that if you have not experienced this yet, *you will*.
One year I surrendered h and the marriage at the foot of the Cross, publicly, during Holy Week. I have never been so open and visible in my faith, and it was almost involuntary and impossible to stop. I have balanced my embarrassment at that with the awareness that sometimes a living example is necessary for others to see that it is ok and even what we are asked, as persons of faith, to show and live our faith no matter what the world would have us do outside the walls of the church. It was a terrible Easter, literally days after my missing h had informed me that he’d been living with an OW.
I don’t know what I prayed in my shock. That OW disappeared within two months and has never been a topic again. He came home after that and stayed for a summer. Then politics happened and he was off and running again. My phone just tried to write “running” as “stinking” for some reason and I have to say, that too.
I prayed several times daily during Lent one year. I think that was the year h felled me with the BD about move away with OW2, who I had suspected but who he’d lied about at every turn. It was a very bad result after prayer and I didn’t know what to do after that.
Last year I think he and I both prayed individually for OW2 to go away. We were at least on the same page a lot last year, and he did send OW2 all the way out of his life, and brought me back in closer. We spent summertime birthdays together and he showed me the churches he wanted to maybe visit and become part of. So that’s part of it too — pray and keep praying, and maybe the big ask is that the Lord simply works on your MLC spouse to turn their faces back to HIM. Because really He is the only one who can hold them and heal them, or help them to heal themselves. Keep praying that your spouse will turn to HIM for comfort, solace, and even companionship.
We women may have it a bit easier in that we are counseled to turn to Christ as our Husband when things like this happen. I don’t know that there is a similar or parallel instruction for men. As a woman but also for that instruction reason, I know that brothers in Christ are invaluable allies during this journey. If you cannot look to your God as a spouse, I know He is there for us as a deeply loving Father, and maybe also in some way as a brother. I know in any case that He is there for us all to lean on and be held by in our times of fear or abject loneliness. Wife or husband, do turn your face toward Him. That’s what is asked of us all, and I think it is reasonable for us to pray for our spouses to look to Him first as well.
H is irreligious enough to resist a covenant (church) marriage and I think that is part of the problem for us. It was a problem in both previous marriages as well. I responded to the finalization of XH’s legal divorce by annulling the marriage through the church. The harassment and unnecessary court actions came to a dead halt after that. H still refuses to annul after XW’s legal divorce, and to this day, even though she left him to marry someone else, she is still after him with uncommon hostility (I don’t miss that). I’m grateful for the peace the annulment afforded me. Somehow it was the only thing to do, to stop all the evil in the person I had first been married to. I wish I could persuade h to do same as I think it released my divorcer from all guilt? Or absolved him? And meant that I held him to nothing. It was my way of giving XH what he wanted. And it was the right thing to do in that case. It may be the right thing in this case too but I am not ready to go that far yet.
The decree of nullity was issued by the diocese on my birthday. The secular world is not going to be that personal or specific. This is what I mean: your prayers when answered may often be signed with somehow the clear signature of God. Or put another way, by Someone or Something Who Loves You Very Much.
This year has not been good and so finally I left off praying for h. His parents and my siblings (both kin and siblings in Christ) have asked me directly how I would like them to pray. I have had to tell each of them that I don’t know anymore, and that his life is his own and I don’t want to pray against his happiness. I want him to be happy. It doesn’t matter if it is with me. I have also had to tell his parents very gently that I understand he may choose to be with someone else, and that if he does, really, because we love him, we have to allow for and accept his choices as his decisions for his best life. This is difficult because his parents are definitely going to die sometime very soon. They both want us together. I’ve asked others to pray over h and his son that they come to know God, to know His comfort and His love, and all of His protections. I have asked that they pray for my daughter and myself similarly, although we have an open dialogue with God in our house all day every day.
For myself I pray the hedge of thorns. This has been really key at several points since I started praying it. If h gets through and is not coming correct, I know I have to ask myself how I am disrupting God’s will with my own. That prayer is new for me this year so I am learning discernment as I go.
The first time I prayed it, it was immediately answered by a Bible study group for support with this kind of prayer or life focus. I’ve been on a waitlist but am joining a group starting later this summer. It seems especially geared toward wives but is well organized and I think there must be a parallel structure for husbands. Definitely there are leadership groups for prayer and marital/family support through what seems a real riot of decay in today’s culture. I can PM you later with links that might be springboards to groups in your area.
I know this post is long and I’m sorry about that. The short version is that I prayed a lot and specifically, and sometimes that was right. Sometimes what I thought was a good prayer just wasn’t! Or maybe it was not right time? Surrendering the MLC spouse fully to God felt like a betrayal or abandonment, but I don’t think it is one.
Just as we are told to focus on our relationship with self, and/or with the kids, I think we are also meant to focus only on our own relationship with God. Fostering our children’s relationship with Him as well, if that’s appropriate. For me it truly has been a 1:1 relationship and the results are visible, no one questions that He is providing consistently when h has not.
And He knows I am upset over h, and with Him as a result. But He also knows I trust, and will receive the answers or promise fulfillments as He will give them.
I have to trust that God will watch over h and his son every step of the way no matter what I do, think, say, or pray. And I pray for that anyway. As well, prayers over all the marriages that find their way to these boards. If nothing else, I think prayer for others keeps our hearts gentle. That’s better to me, than living the other way.
Thank you SS for good discussion topic; I needed it today.