If you cannot see that I don’t know what else she can possibly say.
She can say it is all on her and stop pointing fingers to OM and her LBS, who should have wainted for her.
No cheated spouse, LBS or not has to wait for a cheater. Being allowed back into a marriage is a privilege, not a rigt.
She focuses on her feelings and actions DURING her mlc not her feelings and actions now.
When she is now saying OM was manipulative and her LBS should had waited she is not focussing on her MLC feelings. Her MLC self could not care less about her husband and OM was the one she loved. As tends to be the case with MLCers.
The OM/OW is probably a manipulator in many cases, but they are also being lied to by the MLCer.
In many I don't know. Often OM/OW is just a normal person who will become jealous and manipulative because of the situation. Of course someone can be manipulative while being lied to by the MLCer.
However, it is irrelevant if OM/OW was, or was not, manipulative. The MLCer wanted an affair, got an affair, destroyed the marriage. The least the MLCer can do is fully own it.
It is also manipulation to lie to OM/OM and tell them the marriage is over, the LBS is a monster, the marriage is dead and so on.
Normal affair recovery 101 means the cheater fully owning their action. In MLC, with all that comes with it, it is even more important.
I've actually heard creep guys who actively prey on women who are "crazy".... now I know "crazy" is MLC.
They exist, but MLCers are actively looking for an affair. They are not an innocent victim or prey. They are totally into the idea. It was not OW1 that come after Mr J, it was him that called her. Before that he was chatting a bunch of women on-line. He is not the only MLCer that went after an affair.
When they are done if they can't deal with themselves (maybe forever) do we forgive them and move on?
If they can't deal with themselves it is their circus, their monkeys. We can forvige or not forgive. Each person is different. Most of us move on.
Do we have to pin them to a board, a board they themselves will pin themselves to for the rest of their life?
They will be forever a cheater that destroyed the marriage. And it may be good that they never forget it, in case they may feel tempted again. It is something they will cary with them for life.
The whole thing is a lie with each lying to the other and so it starts with lies and falsehoods.
More or less. It often is more lies from the married MLCer, often, not always. If both people are married, there will be a lot of lies from both sides.
I would bet the ow/om doesn’t tell the truth either and the mlcer lies their heads off but I still think the mlcer believes their own lies and I would think they would have to in order to justify what they are doing.
Speaking about Mr J's OW1 and OW2, OW1 may had said some minor lies, but nothing compared to his. I have their correspondence, I know what they were saying to each other. He lied, and lied and lied. Of course the MLCer is beliving their own lies to justify what they are doing.
I don't think fantasy world applies when the MLCer is living with OM/OW of married to them for years on end, sometimes 10 or so years. It applies while the affair is secret and early on when MLCer and OM/OW get together. With time, the fantasy erodes.
You couldn't be more wrong, 3boys. OM/OW are fully responsible for their actions. What I deslike is a MCLer putting the blame on OM/OW and the LBS instead of saying It is fully on me.
Putting the blame for the destruction inflected by our spouses on someone else is not right, be it on the alienator or LBS. OW/OW would had not been able to provoke any destruction if our spouse had not allowed for it.
HB has an article about it:
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)