For the most part I believe my spouse is having a MLC. It explains a lot about why my happy life was blown up. The overnight abandonment, presence of the AP, change in appearance, focus on fitness, etc.
But,,, there is still a nagging doubt it’s really MLC. In my case the doubt comes from this: He’s too nice, too polite, very careful not to hurt me any more, too helpful, and too willing to help if I ask. Basically, I have not seen MONSTER. It’s almost a given that MLCers monster, isn’t it? His daughter sees monster occasionally I believe. Possibly the ow but I doubt it.
There are other reasons that I think it might not be MLC but the lack of monster is the biggest reason. I think there are more MLC indicators than not, but the lack of monster over 2.5 years since BD has me wondering.
Are you wondering in your own situation?